
yokosuka n.橫須賀〔日本港市〕。


Inside tokyo station , built with red bricks , is a large commercial area with event halls , shopping area , coffee shops and restaurants . jr bullet train tokaido line , yamanote line , chuo line , keihin - tohoku line , sobu line , yokosuka line , narita express , the tokyo metro marunouchi line , keihin line stop at tokyo station 東京站以其紅色磚瓦建筑的車站大樓而深受人們的喜愛,東京站的站內以及周圍地區、地下街是一個大型商業區,分布著舉辦活動的場地和購物區、咖啡店、餐館等等。

A drill was also implemented in which about 30 tmg staff posing as individuals unable to return home were transported from harumi terminal to the port of yokosuka on the uss gary , a us navy frigate photograph 演習中, 30名由東京都工作人員裝扮的“無法回家”的人被從晴海送到位于橫須賀港的美軍海軍護衛艦“ uss gary ”上見照片。

Get on yokohama yokosuka road at namiki ic by metropolitan bay shore route . get off at asahina exit and go to kamakura by kanazawa kaido 從首都高速灣岸線出發,走并木ic進入橫濱橫須賀公路,在朝比奈出口停車,經由金澤街道進入鐮倉。

From yokohama station , take jr yokosuka line and exit kita - kamakura station or kamakura station 由橫濱站乘坐jr鐵路橫須賀線,北鐮倉站或者鐮倉站下車。

The seventh fleet , which has its home port in yokosuka , spends roughly six months at sea 以橫須賀為母港的第七艦隊每年大約有6個月時間是在出海遠航。

Yokosuka south precinct transferring for examination 橫須賀南署送檢