
yogi n.【印度教】瑜伽信奉者;瑜伽論者;實行瑜伽修行方法者。


For a practitioner of yoga , or “ yogi “ the progression through these stages is a movement from the physical toward a perfect mental state 對瑜珈修習者來說,這些階段是從身體到完美精神境界的進程。

My love and concern are with all of the formosan people , and you happy yogis are always in my heart 我的愛心和關懷一直都和福爾摩沙人民同在,而你們這群快樂的修行人也一直都在我的心中。

In the boat , there was dave and yogi chen and i and my girl friend , who some months later became my first wife 當時船上有大衛、陳上師、我及我的女友(幾個月后,她成為我的第一任妻子) 。

As a child , mohan stayed with himalayan yogis who passed down to him their pure knowledge of yoga 從他的兒童時代起,他就常常與到他家鄉修行的瑜伽人為伴,接受喜瑪拉雅瑜伽最精純的知識。

So , it s because we re also practicing very well , thanks to you , all the beautiful , lovely , happy yogis 能夠這樣,也是因為我們有好好修行,多虧有你們這群美麗可愛快樂的修行人。

Then the yogi asked another question , ‘ does your family know what kind of livelihood you are engaged in 然后瑜伽士又問了另一個問題: “你的家人知道你謀的是一種什么營生嗎? ”

Make yourself a perfect picture of admiration , of respect , of a beautiful yogi because were not in the himalayas 要展現自己完美的風范,成為美好的修行人,值得別人贊賞與尊重。

In that case then , ’ said the yogi , ‘ all the members of your family share in these sinful deeds “那么在這種情況下” ,瑜伽士說道: “你的每一個家庭成員都要承擔這些罪業。 ”

Vajrayogini sadhana : the tantric sadhana of vajrayogini composed by dr . yutang lin under the guidance of yogi chen 金剛亥母儀軌:在陳上師的指導下,林博士所編的密續儀軌。

A venerable yogi , a master in the art of longevity , himself over 1000 years old , comes to teach me his art 一位尊敬的、精于對長生術、年逾千歲的瑜珈士來教我他養生之道。

But , as yogi berra once said , “ in theory there is little difference between theory and practice 但是,正如yogi berra曾說過的, “從理論上來說,理論和實踐沒有什么區別。

The image of buddha , who was called the greatest yogin of all times , expresses serene quiescence 佛陀的肖像,在任何時期都被稱為最偉大的瑜伽修行者,表達出平靜的靜止。

Manoj has come to china with a mission and that is to spread the pure teachings of the himalayan yogis and masters 馬諾基來中國的使命是傳播純正的喜馬拉雅傳統瑜伽。

Many initiates immediately tried them on and became joyful and beautiful models of the happy yogi collection 很多同修立刻當場試穿,成為美麗喜悅的快樂修行人模特兒。

He became totally enraged and said to the yogi , ’ i ' m not letting you go off 在這個森林里有一個吸血魔鬼,如果我把你的血供奉給他,他一定會同意把我變得富有的” 。

There is a story in the book of paramahansa yogananda . have you read that book , the autobiography of a yogi 在瑜珈之這本書里曾提到一個故事,你們看過這本書嗎?

The first happy yogi fashion show overwhelmed korean fellow initiates with its well - prepared choreography and music Happy yogi服裝秀首度亮相,在優美的樂聲中,

He became totally enraged and said to the yogi , ’ i ' m not letting you go off 在這個森林里有一個吸血魔鬼,如果我把你的血供奉給他,他一定會把我變得富有的” 。

I need to talk to a priest / minister / monk / psychic / rabbi / yogi / guru / psychiatrist 我想和教士/牧師/和尚/靈媒/猶太祭師/瑜珈修行者/印教導師/心理醫生談談。