
yoghourt n.〔Turk.〕酸乳酪,酸乳餅。


We provide food project consultation , craftworks design , equipment selection , equipment and tubes making , installation , including product line for concentrate juice , original juice , fresh milk and yoghourt powder , jam , traditional medicine , tea , flavoring , health foods , food additive and etc 我公司承接各類食品成套項目的咨詢,工藝方案設計、設備選型、工藝設備和管道的制作、安裝和調試等一體化服務,主要包括濃縮果蔬汁、原汁飲料,鮮奶酸奶奶粉、果醬蕃茄醬、中藥和茶等植物提取液、調味品、保健食品,食品添加劑等生產線。

It possesses a small dairy pilot plant equipped with seven processing lines , imported from denmark , including yoghourt , milk powder , condensed milk , cheese , ice cream and so on 配有由丹麥引進設備的小型乳品實驗工廠,包括酸奶、奶粉、煉乳、干酪、冰淇淋等共七條乳制品實驗生產線。

This includes food rich in the iron , like eggs and beans and foods high in calcium like milk , cheese and yoghourt 這包括吃含鐵的食物,如雞蛋和豆類,以及一些高鈣食品,如牛奶、奶酪和酸奶。

Foods rich in calcium include milk , cheese and yoghourt 含豐富鈣質食物包括牛奶,奶酪和酸奶。