
yodel n.岳得爾調〔瑞士 Tyrol 山間居民用常聲和假聲輪替...


Thereupon diana promised to keep a sharp eye on him and to be revenged . the duet ended with a comic yodel which prulliere delivered very amusingly with the yell of an angry tomcat 他們的三重唱以一支滑稽逗樂的蒂羅爾山歌調結束,普律利埃爾唱得很出色,也很逗趣,他的聲音像一只被激怒了的公貓的聲音。

Everybody likes yodeling 每個人都喜歡假聲

And yodeling is an art 假聲的轉換是一門藝術!

@ you see i yodel - adle - eedle - idle - odle 你瞧瞧我…

@ ' cause when i yodel - adle - eedle - idle - odle 當我出手的時候…

Listen to the local yokel yodel 聽聽那個本地土包子唱的岳得爾調。

Leave me alone . i ' m not kidding , yodel odie 離我遠點兒我沒開玩笑,歐弟

You ' re gonna like this . yodeling ' s an art 你會喜歡這個的假聲是一種藝術

Hey , vaughn , feel like “ yodeling in the canyon “ 沃恩,感覺好像此起彼伏的山谷和峰巒

Well , maybe they just didn ' t like your yodeling 好吧,也許他們只是不喜歡你的假聲