
yob YOB = year of birth 出生年。


“ we issued him with a yellow hardhat equipped with a pair of reindeer antlers to make it look more festive . “ he said a gang of local “ neds “ , or yobs , threw the pies before running off . last year , the centre ' s father christmas was set upon by youths calling a him a “ fraud and a fake “ 那家購物中心的經理安德魯麥金農說: “圣誕老人的健康和安全一直是我們最為關心的事情,我們給他提供了一頂安全帽,為了進一步突顯節日氣氛,我們還在帽子上安裝了一對馴鹿的鹿角。 ”

“ health and safety is paramount , “ centre manager andrew mackinnon said on wednesday . “ we issued him with a yellow hardhat equipped with a pair of reindeer antlers to make it look more festive . “ he said a gang of local “ neds “ , or yobs , threw the pies before running off 那家購物中心的經理安德魯麥金農說: “圣誕老人的健康和安全一直是我們最為關心的事情,我們給他提供了一頂安全帽,為了進一步突顯節日氣氛,我們還在帽子上安裝了一對馴鹿的鹿角。 ”

As an actor , tony blair has generally been hailed as a master of pained sincerity , but his latest declaration of war on yobs shows that this versatile talent lends itself just as well to long stints in rep as it does to one - off celebrity specials 而他最近對社會毒瘤宣戰卻表明,這項全能的天分無論在長期保留劇目中還是在一次性的名人演出上都發揮得淋漓盡致。

Incredibly , 200 yobs high on drugs and looking for drink and * descended on the four - bedroom detached property . then they went on a wrecking spree until 4am 不可思議的是, 200名熱衷于毒品、尋求酒與性的小混混出現在這個四個房間相互分開的房子里。然后他們進行了破壞性的狂歡活動直至凌晨四點。

He said a gang of local “ neds “ , or yobs , threw the pies before running off 按照這位經理的說法,肇事者是當地一伙游手好閑的小混混兒,他們在扔完餡餅后就溜之大吉了。

The manager said that a gang of local “ neds , “ or yobs , threw the pies before running off 安德魯經理說,當時一群小混混用餡餅襲擊了圣誕老人后逃之夭夭。