
yit adv.〔美俚〕= yet.


Overseas newspapers such as sin chew jit poh and sing sian yit pao are the main sources for local amoy and chaozhou - dialect productions as well as mandarin films that had not been released locally . however , available copies are far from complete , resulting in inadequacies in the materials listed . it is hoped that amendments could be made in future 由于我所接觸的海外報章如星洲日報星暹日報等并不全,它們是港產廈語片潮語片沒有在香港上映的國語片的資料的主要來源,因此上列的資料也就不全,希望今后有機會能把它們搜集全。

Chen , yun - shiow , yit - ming yang , 1999 , ” economic design of x - bar control charts for continuous flow process with weibull in - control times , ” , the 13th asia quality symposium ’ 99 osaka , pp . 17 - 20 , october 1999 江行全,湯玲郎,陳云岫,鐘云恭, 2000 , ”對省立桃園醫院醫護與行政品質系統建立的方法與經驗” , 2000邁向二十一世紀品質管理技術應用研討會論文集, 2000年6月

“ i tuck out en shin down de hill , en spec to steal a skift long de sho som ers bove de town , but dey wuz people a - stirring yit , so i hid in de ole tumble - down cooper - shop on de bank to wait for everybody to go way “我溜出家門,急忙趕下山去,原想到鎮上一處地方偷一只小船。不過,那里人來人往。我就多躲在岸邊那個箍桶匠的破屋子里,等人家一個個走開。

Den i went into de yuther room , en uz gone bout ten minutes ; en when i come back dah was dat do a - stannin open yit , en dat chile stannin mos right in it , a - lookin down and mournin , en de tears runnin down 接著我到了另一個房間去,去了大約十分鐘,我轉回來,見到門還是開著的,孩子正站在門坎上,朝下面張望著,眼淚直淌。

The niggers stole it the very next mornin after i had went down stairs ; and when i sold em i hadn t missed the money yit , so they got clean away with it 可是在第二天早上,我們下樓以后,黑奴就把錢偷走了。我把她們賣掉的時候,我還沒有發現錢已經不見了,所以她們就把錢全數帶走啦。

And yit if we hadn t got the best of him and tied him he d a killed us both 可是,要不是我們制服了他,把他捆了起來,他準定會把我們兩人都給殺了。

Yit dey say sollermun de wises man dat ever live . i doan take no stock in dat 人家說,所羅門王是自古到今世上最聰明的人,我可不新信這一套。

Before her reincarnation , kum - choi meets with yit - dan and agree to meet again 18 years from now . . . . . 采在還陽前現身與旦約定18年后再見. .

Cheung yit - dan is a doctor , her girlfriend lo kum - choi often kills deer to cure her father s disease 重重心中癡債,原是欠下你一世. .

Is dey out o sight yit 那些人望不見影子了么?

He says : “ yo ole father doan know yit what he s a - gwyne to do 他說: “你的老爸爸還布不知道自己該做些什么呢。

A body can t tell yit which one gwyne to fetch him at de las 現在還不知道哪個會占上風。不過你不會有什么事。

“ hold on a minute ; i hain t had my say yit “等一會兒,我還沒有把我的話說出來呢。