
yesteryear n.,adv.〔詩〕去年;近年來;過去不久。


Take a tour to make the most of sightseeing in a single day . the land between tour of the new territories takes in bird sanctuaries , monasteries , rolling hills and small farms . another attractive alternative is the heritage tour , featuring highlights of hong kong of yesteryear and its chinese traditions and colonial heritage 開始你的一天,往新界一游穿越田野攀登小山,觀賞棲鳥觀賞區與寺廟僧院,另外一個選擇是參加文化古跡之旅,參觀香港殖民地的古風與中國傳統特色。

However , the assistance can also be given more importantly by relatives , friends and neighbours without much difficulty . it is in terms of gesture of moral support to these families . most of all , they need the community s understanding that they are not and must not be treated as if they are contagious , and the lepers of yesteryear ?生福利及食物局局長:指標當然是愈少便愈好,但是現在的病毒發展情況,沒有人可以回答你,因為我們了解這種病毒實在太少了,當然是有些東西是知道,卻并不是完全知道,所以現在的困難就是在這里。

This exhibition features more than forty of mr . kong s sketches on display under four themes : my place , my home , neighbourhoods , places of worship and yesteryears . they help us trace the transition of our city between the 1970s and the 1990s and recall the way we were 是次展覽透過江先生40多幅素描杰作,環繞著這是我家、街頭巷尾、圣跡處處及流金歲月四個環節,追溯香港1970至1990年代的城市面貌變遷及重溫香江舊日生活的足跡。

In this rolling rock em sock em homage to classic kung - fu flicks of yesteryears , the gen - x pair of stephen fung and gillian chung twins play siblings that must race to save their father while unravelling the secrets behind the mysterious dragon 這部懷舊兼黑色的溫情喜劇,野心雖不及馮德倫前作《大佬愛美麗》 ,勝在輕松自若,故事與節奏都抓得恰到好處,更隱約傳達承先啟后的香港電影寓意,新一代做接班人的志氣呼之欲出。

Equipped with latest technology the archive building , opened in january 2001 , houses in it a cinema , an exhibition hall and a resource centre , all equipped with the latest technology to restore glamour to the films of yesteryear 資料館自二年起隸屬新成立的康樂及文化事務署,永久館址于二一年一月初開幕,館內設有電影院、展覽廳、資源中心,皆同時啟用。

They pass away , and where are they ? where . where are the snows of yesteryear ? . it s what endures through one s life that matters ; my own life matters to me , in its long continuance and development . but what do the occasional connexions matter 我自己的生命,在她的長久的持續與發展里,于我是重要的,但是與人發生的偶爾關系,特別是那偶爾的性的關系,有什么重要呢?

Equipped with latest technology the archive building , opened in january 2001 , houses in it a cinema , an exhibition hall and a resource centre , all equipped with the latest technology to restore glamour to the films of yesteryear 資料館自二年起隸屬新成立的康樂及文化事務署,永久館址于二一年一月初開幕,館內設有電影院展覽廳資源中心,皆同時啟用。

It ' s a recurring dilemma for iconic brands : if their popularity and identity are wrapped up in yesteryear , can they survive major technological and demographic changes 對標志性品牌來講,這是個經常遇到的兩難選擇:如果他們的聲望和個性與過去的歲月有密切聯系,那么,他們能在重大的技術進步和大范圍的人口變化中幸存下來嗎?

When older pianos are in need of repair , the steinway craftsmen of today sometimes find the chalk signatures of the steinway craftsman of yesteryear written inside the piano in discreet locations 當舊鋼琴需要維修時,如今的施坦威工匠有時能在鋼琴內部的某些地方找到過去的施坦威工匠們用粉筆留下的簽名。

Veteran film stars are inevitably involved in the tightly - knit realm of love and hate in the movie world . movie talks of the yesteryears are realisation of their recollections spanning generations and years 在藝海江湖打滾數十載的編導演們,往往與電影世界中的江湖結上千絲萬縷的恩恩怨怨。

Unlike the students of yesteryear , who were political and proud of it , today ' s generation are more passionate about drinking than defending issues of social justice 不像過去的那些擁有政治抱負的學生熱衷于對社會公正的維護,現在的這一代更對飲酒感興趣。

Shopping with the charm of yesteryear , a diversity of gift , specialty stores , boutiques and delightful cafes the area is full of character and interest 此項目交通便捷環境優美,毗鄰多所各類教育機構,是居家和投資的理想選擇。

It can turn your not - so - fast machine of yesteryear into a useful subject of your network , and give it a new purpose in its short life 它賦予您那臺“慢吞吞“的老機器以嶄新的使命,變成網絡里相當有用的一員。

Apart from being our wistful treasures of childhood and reminders of yesteryear s pleasures , toys offer a window on life 不過,玩具不僅限于娛樂和玩耍,其實也是社會變遷的寫照。

There might be a rekindling of the kind of nationalistic fervour of yesteryear 過去的國家主義狂熱可能再次被點燃。

He often mentioned the golden scandals of yesteryear . 他經常提到去年曾轟動一時的丑聞。