
yawl n.船載小艇,艦載雜用船;二桅帆船;小漁船;水雷艇。


He crept down the bank , watching with all his eyes , slipped into the water , swam three or four strokes and climbed into the skiff that did “ yawl “ duty at the boat s stern . he laid himself down under the thwarts and waited , panting 他悄悄溜下河堤,睜大眼睛四處張望,然后潛入水中,游了三四下,就爬到船尾那只“突突”待命的小艇上了,躺在坐板下面,氣喘吁吁地等著開船。

She sent out her yawl , and we went aboard , and she was from cincinnati ; and when they found we only wanted to go four or five mile they was booming mad , and gave us a cussing , and said they wouldn t land us 它是從辛辛那提開來的。等到他們知道我們只要搭四五英里路就要下船,他們就氣壞了,把我們臭罵了一頓,還揚言說到時候不放我們上岸。

But the king was ca m . he says : “ if gentlemen kin afford to pay a dollar a mile apiece to be took on and put off in a yawl , a steamboat kin afford to carry em , can t it ? 他說: “要是兩位先生愿意每英里路各付一塊大洋,由輪船上派一只小艇接送,那大輪就該讓他們坐了吧,你們說呢? ”

So they softened down and said it was all right ; and when we got to the village they yawled us ashore 這樣,他們就軟了下來,說好吧。于是一到那個村子,大輪就派小艇把我們送上了岸。

About two dozen men flocked down when they see the yawl a - coming , and when the king says 當時有二十來個人聚集在那里,一見小艇開過來,就聚攏過來。