
yacht n.快艇,游艇。 a racing yacht 競賽用快...

yacht club

- i ' m sorry , a yacht . - excuse me , hutch -哦對不起,是游艇-對不起,哈奇

- reese , is this yours ? - actually , that ' s a yacht -里斯,是你的嗎? -實際上,這是只游艇

Reese , is this yours ? - actually , that ' s a yacht 里斯,是你的嗎? -實際上,這是只游艇

Okay , then i won ' t letyou on my yacht 行,但以后我可不會讓你上我的游艇

Specification for steel wire rope and strand for yachts 快艇用鋼絲繩和多股絞合鋼索規范

They were able to position the yacht by means of radar 他們能夠用雷達測定快艇的方位

That cat , reese ? all he did was talk about that damn yacht 里斯他們一直在談那個游艇

He doesn ' t buy expensive paintings , yachts , nothing 他不買昂貴的油畫、游艇什么都不買

We ' d be having this discussion on a yacht 我們現在就會在游艇上討論這問題了

The yacht ? market is slow this time of the year 一年中的這個時候,游艇市場很低靡。

Relaxing at camp david . yachting off kennebunkport 在大衛營休養在肯尼崩海灣游快艇

The yacht made good progress with a following wind 那小帆船順風行駛得很快

For yacht - use outboard motors for toy cars and lawn mowers 玩具汽車割草機類

I go yachting most weekends in the summer 在夏天,我大多數周末都乘快艇游玩

And next this hour , looking to buy a 90 - foot yacht 接下來為您介紹最新的游艇

They picked up the yacht on their radar screen 他們在雷達屏上看到了那艘游艇

Hey , kirsten ' s already over at the yacht club 嘿, kirsten已經去了游艇俱樂部了

The yacht was at the mercy of the dreadful storm 游艇任憑那場可怕的暴風雨擺布。

Application : for agricultural machines and yachts 用途:可用于一般的農機游艇。