
xi n.希臘字母表第十四個字母〔Ξ,ξ〕。


Hu xu ' s criticism on zhu xi ' s study on the learning of zhouyi 胡煦對朱熹易學的批評

Xi an aerospace hangyuan science technology co . , ltd 西安航天航源科技有限責任公司

Epidemiological survey on pneumoconiosis in xi ' an 2003年塵肺流行病學調查研究

Fu xing men financial street and xi dan area hotels 復興門金融街西單地區酒店

Landscape room xishaomen hotel , xi an reservation 景觀間,西安西稍門大酒店預訂

Study on cultural incentive mechanism in xi ' ao group 新奧集團企業文化激勵機制研究

Li xu - dong , xi wei - sheng , hu tie - li and fu jian - ming 李旭東惠渭生胡鐵力付建明

Epidemiological analysis of measles in jiang ' xi province 2002年江西省麻疹疫情分析

Yi t ' oegye and wang yangming : different developments of zhu xi 朱熹哲學的不同走向

The tang dynasty gold and silver wares discovered in xi ' an 西安發現一批唐代金銀器

On the contributions and blunders of zhu xi opposing wang yi 朱熹反王逸功過論

Members : ma xing - guo , lee kyang rae , cao li - hua , tian fu - xi 委員:李光來曹立華

The essence of application of red ochre by zhang xi - chun 張錫純運用代赭石心法探幽

Initial survey on yao xi - guang ' s lifetime and achievements 姚錫光生平及其成就初探

Study on several problems about the xi ' an incident 關于西安事變幾個問題的探討

A study of files management system of xi xia dynasty 西夏王朝檔案管理制度蠡測

Xi ' an occupies people ' s mansion luxuriously and american 西安豪華美居人民大廈

Journal of xi ' an jiaotong university medical sciences 西安交通大學學報醫學版

No . 36 , south guangji street , zhuquemenli , xi an xian 西安市朱雀門里南廣濟街36號西安