
xeroderma n.【醫學】鱗癬;干皮膚 (= ichthyosis)。


Cleaver of the university of california at san francisco , for instance , has shown that people with the disease xeroderma pigmentosum , in which melanocytes are destroyed by exposure to the sun , suffer from significantly higher than normal rates of squamous and basal cell carcinomas , which are usually easily treated 這兩種癌通常很容易治療,更能致命的是惡性黑瘤,但卻較少見(在皮膚癌患者中只占4 % ) ,而且只有膚色淺的人才容易得。

Squamous cell carcinoma in xeroderma pigmentosum : a clinicopathologic study of 4 cases 4例著色干皮病伴發鱗狀細胞癌臨床病理分析

Xeroderma pigmentosum is an autosomal recessive disease . 著色性干皮病是一種常染色體的退行性疾病。