
xenophobia n.畏懼和憎惡外國[族];仇外。


Interestingly , perhaps as a result of having been brought up in a colonial environment , i have observed , admittedly from a narrower perspective , an opposite phenomenon : a xenophilia opposite of xenophobia mentality in our part of the developing world that manifests itself in a developed economy bias in the assets that we hold 然而,或許我是在殖民地環境下長大,因此我留意到的現象正好相反當然是從狹窄得多的角度來看,就是在我們這邊廂的發展中世界存在崇洋的投資心態,并因此在投資方面出現先進經濟體系偏好的情況。

Several millenniums of self - sufficiency had bred in these people a deep - seated xenophobia , so that even when repeated defeats . in foreign wars made them look to the west for some quick , practical remedy for the country ' s ills , they did so with the greatest reluctance not a little resentment 這些人足以左右大局,然而卻保守成性,對外來事物有深刻的疑懼:只是在多次敗于外夷之手以后,才勉強看向西方,但也無非是尋求一種足以立刻解決中國的某些實際困難的速效方法而已。

Racism and xenophobia are growing at an alarming rate in russia , civil rights groups said yesterday , fuelled by economic hardship and the government ' s failure to come up with a plan for reducing ethnic tensions 種族主義和懼外排外的情緒在俄國增長的速度令人擔憂,民權團體在8月15日表示,主要原因在于俄國持續的經濟困境,以及政府未能提出政策,緩和俄國境內不同種族間的緊張情勢。

If forgetfulness , xenophobia and a whole host of the other eccentricities that make up a person ' s character become optional traits rather than inevitable ones , people will be more inclined to discriminate against the bearers of those traits 如果健忘的話,仇外和一系列怪癖,造就了可選擇的而不是必然的某個人的性格特質, ,人們將更傾向于歧視具有那些特質的人。

“ in this difficult period where intolerance , racism , xenophobia , anti - semitism and fanaticism are again manifesting themselves , it is essential for cinema to help us recall the horror of the unspeakable . “在這個不容異說、種族歧視、仇外主義、反猶太主義、宗教狂熱再一次交織呈現的艱難時期,用電影幫助我們回憶無法形容的恐懼是重要的。 ”

At the same time , a number of fairly good decisions were adopted on humanitarian issues , including those aimed at promoting tolerance and the fight against xenophobia , the revival of neo - nazism , and trade in humans 我們認為,通過和平途徑、通過決議和國際核查解除伊拉克武裝的機會本來是存在的。遺憾的是這樣的機會被錯過了。

Widespread illiteracy is a breeding ground for the advocates of inter - civilizational strife , xenophobia and national and religious extremism , and in the final analysis for international terrorist activities 雙方一致認為,聯合國安理會開展的維和行動是聯合國推動政治解決武裝沖突的主要方式。

There are some who will try to pervert this precedent and use xenophobia or nativist arguments to say that every country should be held to the same standard 有些人將會試圖曲解這種先例,并使用仇外或者本土的論據,來說每一個國家都應該遵照同樣的標準。

The hrc special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism , racial discrimination , xenophobia and related intolerance , doudou dine , visited our country in june 至于第二個問題,我只能這樣說:我們知道,指望戰爭很快取勝和不流血是沒有依據的。

This dialogue is meant to protect our societies , particularly the youth , from xenophobia , ethnic or religious intolerance 三,辦理并發放打工證17 ,打工證的辦理、發放或注銷由地方內務機關執行。

The un gathering is expected to acchieve a real breakthtough against racism , xenophobia and intolerance 人們期待著聯合國的這次會議能沖破種族歧視和排外情緒的陰影

When the refugee arrived in america , he was unprepared for xenophobia he found there 當這個難民到達美洲的時候,他對于當地那種對異鄉人的仇視毫無準備。

Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up 不管保護主義與排外者在任何地方抬頭,都應該打壓。

Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up 無論保護主義和排外主義何時出現都應當與之斗爭。

Protectionism and xenophobia should be fought wherever they spring up 對待貿易保護主義和懼外情緒應當處處喊打。

Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia 愛國主義過了頭即可導致仇視一切外國人

But many other countries show signs of xenophobia 但一些國家卻有仇外的心理。