
xanthoma n.(pl. xanthomas,-mata ) 黃瘤,...


These diseases detected were esophageal varices , erosive gastritis , bile reflux gastritis , xanthoma , duodenitis , duodenal ulcer , small intestinal cancer , small intestinal angiodysplasia , crohn ' s disease , intestinal polyp , intestinal erosion and congestion , diverticula , colon melanosis and colonic cancer 檢出了15種病變:食道靜脈曲張、糜爛性胃炎、膽汁返流性胃炎、胃黃色瘤、十二指腸炎、十二指腸潰瘍、小腸腫瘤、小腸血管畸形、克羅恩病、小腸單發及多發息肉、非特異性小腸炎、吸收不良綜合征、小腸憩室、結腸黑病變、結腸癌。

The histopathological study revealed acanthosis , papillomatosis and large amounts of xanthoma cells in the papillary dermis 組織病理學檢查顯示表皮肥厚伴隨乳頭樣增殖,及真皮層有大量黃色瘤細胞浸潤。

Condyloma accuminatum has prominent koilocytosis in the upper epidermis that is not found in verruciform xanthoma 尖銳濕疣在上表皮可見明顯的挖空細胞,無泡沫細胞的聚集。

Xanthoma usually has inflammation nearby 黃色瘤附近常常存在炎癥。

The diagnosis of verruciform xanthoma was made 因而吾人診斷為疣狀黃色瘤。