
x-ray 短語和例子x wool 64支羊毛。

x-ray astronomy

Astronomers have also detected older and smaller m stars, previously thought to be quite dim, that actually outshine the sun in their x-ray emission . 天文學家還探測到有一些較老較小的M型星,它們發射的X射線實際上比太陽更加光輝燦爛,而先前人們卻認為它們是十分幽暗的。

If the hospital was caught short-handed because it hired too few nurses to staff the x-ray room, management relied on insufficient data . 如果醫院因透視室雇傭護士太少而造成人手緊張,那就說明人事調度工作的有關信息是不健全的。

A hospital, for example, will record the number of patients using the x-ray facilities both for billing purposes and for doctor's reports . 比如一個醫院為了報帳,或為了醫生匯報工作應該記錄病員透視的人數。

Since this is of the order of several tens of million degrees; most of the energy will be in the soft x-ray region . 既然溫度處在數千萬度數量級,絕大部分輻射能量將處于軟X射線譜區。

The scanning electron microscope provides information on chemical composition by use of x-ray spectrometer attachments . 掃描電子顯微鏡能利用x射線譜儀的附件來提供化學組份的信息。

The ratio of the microwave radiation to the x-ray bremsstrahlung radiation is dependent on the density in the emitting region . 微波輻射與X射線韌致輻射的比值與發射區的密度有關。

They also found something which the x-ray plate did not show : a small wax figure of the god duamutef . 他們又發現了X光片上未能顯現的一些情況:一個小的蠟制的杜瓦木鐵夫神像。

The impact of x-ray crystallography on chemistry in general and on biochemistry in particular has been enormous . X射線結晶學一般來說對化學,特別是生物化學的影響是巨大的。

Simultaneous x-ray and infrared observations have exhibited the 4. 8hour period at both wavelengths . 同時進行的X射線和紅外線觀測證明,在這兩個波長均有48小時的周期。

scorpius x-1 is the brightest x-ray source in the sky in the 1-10 wavelength region. 天蝎座X-1是在1-10埃波長區全天空最亮的X射線源。

The renowned american satellite uhuru exemplifies the capabilities of x-ray astronomy . 著名的美國“烏呼魯”衛星充分顯示了X射線天文學的威力。

Contribute a little to either ultra-violet astronomy or x-ray astronomy . 所以氣球攜帶的儀器對紫外線天文學或X射線天文學的貢獻是不大的。

With radio and x-ray telescopes, we find many signs of violent activity . 依靠射電望遠鏡和x射線望遠鏡,我們發現了許多迅猛活動的跡象。

A high beam energy is also used to stimulate x-ray emission of higher-energy peaks . 高能量電子束也能用來激發高能量X射線峰的發射。

They use x-ray diffraction to determine the structures of proteins and nucleic acids . 他們應用X-射線衍射確定蛋白質和核酸的結構。

Scientists photograph these images to produce the spectacular x-ray pictures . 科學家們對這些圖像進行攝影,制成壯觀的X射線圖。

Cygnus x-3 is a binary x-ray source located at a distance of 10kpc . 天鵝座X-3是一個距離約10千秒差距的雙重X射線源。

In x-ray fluorescence, pieces of the filter are used directly . 在X射線熒光法中,可直接使用濾紙。

The x-ray was very revealing . X射線十分揭示問題。