
writhe vt.(writhed; writhed, 〔詩〕 wr...


I will set fire to egypt ; pelusium will writhe in agony . thebes will be taken by storm ; memphis will be in constant distress 16我必在埃及中使火著起。訓必大大痛苦。挪必被攻破。挪弗白日見仇敵(白日或作終日) 。

Is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness , that while you are at peace i shall writhe in the torments of hell 當你得到安息的時候,我卻要在地獄的折磨里受煎熬,這還不夠使你那狠毒的自私心得到滿足嗎? ”

Those who live in maroth writhe in pain , waiting for relief , because disaster has come from the lord , even to the gate of jerusalem 瑪律的居民心甚憂急,切望得好處,因為災禍從耶和華那里臨到耶路撒冷的城門。

Joe had clinched and attempted to throw him , and he was twisting and writhing out of the advantage of the other s hold 可喬已經揪住他,打算把他摔倒在地,但馬丁卻控制了他。他扭來扭去,想擺脫馬丁的優勢。

“ the girls are writhing around in front of the cameras , talking to viewers , while wright - phillips and his pals drink champagne “當那些女孩在鏡頭前搔首弄姿、喃喃自語時,小賴特跟他的朋友們則在喝著香檳。

Ashkelon will see it and be afraid ; gaza also , and it will writhe much in anguish ; and ekron , for her expectation will have been confounded 5亞實基倫看見必懼怕;迦薩看見必甚痛苦;以革倫因失了盼望蒙羞。

[ niv ] as a woman with child and about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pain , so were we in your presence , o lord 17 [和合]婦人懷孕,臨14產疼痛,在痛苦之中喊叫;耶和華啊!我們在你面前也是如此。

It was odd ; a moment before his insides had been writhing like snakes , but suddenly he didn ' t seem to have any insides at all 真奇怪,剛才他的五臟六腑像蛇一樣扭動著,但現在突然感覺五臟六腑好像沒了。

As a woman with child and about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pain , so were we in your presence , o lord 17 [和合]婦人懷孕,臨14產疼痛,在痛苦之中喊叫;耶和華啊!我們在你面前也是如此。

Natasha did not change her position , only her whole body began to writhe with noiseless , convulsive sobs , which choked her 娜塔莎沒有改變姿勢,但因抽搐時啜泣而使她渾身顫抖,哭泣得接不上氣來。

As a woman with child and about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pain , so were we in your presence , o lord 17婦人懷孕,臨產疼痛,在痛苦之中喊叫,耶和華阿,我們在你面前,也是如此。

She cried . “ the prince was writhing with laughter and applauded with the rest as though he had been paid to 她叫道, “王子簡直笑彎了腰,他同其他人一鼓掌,好像他是被雇來捧場似的。

The animals , still alive , kick and writhe as their skin and fur is being cut off their bodies 就是在這種或者的狀態下,他們被活活剝去皮毛,在這一過程中,他們會持續不斷的撲跳折騰。

Slow : conjures ‘ bramble grenades ' which the priestess throws down to create patches of writhing thorns 遲緩:召喚出“荊棘手雷” ,女祭司可以將其扔下,制造出一片翻動的荊棘刺。

The mountains see you ; they writhe ; the tempest of water passes by ; the deep utters its voice , it lifts its hands high 10山嶺見你,無不戰懼;大水泛濫過去,深淵發聲,洶涌翻騰。

His family could only cry and watch this expert marksman twist and writhe in his death agonies 他的家人只能嚎啕大哭,眼睜睜地看著這個出色的神槍手在扭曲翻滾中痛苦地死去。

You have stricken them , but they did not writhe ; you have consumed them , but they refused to take correction 你擊打他們,他們卻不傷慟;你毀滅他們,他們卻不受管教。

Well , what were they going to do with me ? i would writhe my shoe some more and stare down at the worn rug 哦,他們要拿我怎么辦呢?我盯著舊地毯更狠命地蹂躪我的鞋。

Try to practice bravely without being afraid of making mistakes in your speaking and writhing 應該積極勇敢地實踐,不要怕說錯極品公子最新來書不要怕寫錯。