
wretch n.1.不幸的人,苦命的人;倒霉的人。2.卑劣的人,無恥...


We have to punish the wretch by whose doing moscow is ruined 我們必須懲辦一個使莫斯科毀掉了的壞人。

Let the wretches fight it out 讓這些不幸的人打個天昏地暗吧

- you wretch ! - put him on a horse -你這可憐蟲-把他抬到馬上去

You wretch ! - put him on a horse 你這可憐蟲-把他抬到馬上去

I expected thee , said the bandit to rita s father . - wretch 我知道你會來的。強盜對麗達的父親說。

And you come with me , you iittle wretch 跟我走,你這個小混蛋

My wife , poor wretch , is troubled with her lonely life 我老婆,那可憐蟲,正為寂寞的生活折磨著呢。

The poor wretch lost all his money 這可憐的人所有的錢都丟了。

You ' re a lying wretch ! what did you do with it ? 你是一個說謊的卑鄙小人!你把那些面包怎么樣了?

A despicable coward ; a wretch 怯懦者卑劣的懦夫;可憐蟲,壞東西

Well , and what if he did , you iittle ungrateful wretch 要是他死了怎么辦你這個忘恩負義的家伙!

Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch iike me “神奇的恩典如甜蜜之聲憐我世人”

I said to my cousin , disregarding the old wretch s mockery 我問表弟,不理會那個老東西的嘲笑。

I will have one , you cruel wretch “我要一封,你這殘忍的壞人! ”

O wait . drained all the manhood out of me , little wretch 小妖精,把我身上的精力都吸凈了。

They dragged the wretch to a tree and ran him up 他們將那個可憐的人拉到棵樹旁,把他吊死。

Hector : wretch ! how do you know of these things ? 赫:該死的! !你怎么知道這些事情的? !

“ oh , what a wretch am i ! “ cried ralph the rover “啊,我真是個混蛋! “海盜拉爾夫嚷道。

He has sympathy for those homeless wretches 他同情那些無家可歸的可憐人。