
wreck n.1.(船只等的)失事,遭難;破壞;破滅;毀壞。2.失...


Our attacks on enemy air-field reaped a rich reward, and hundreds of their aircraft were later found wrecked and abandoned . 我們對敵人機場的襲擊收獲頗大,后來發現,被擊毀和遺棄的敵機達數百架之多。

Any agreement of that character would most definitely wreck the traditional friendship between the french and american peoples . 任何這類性質的協定都肯定會破壞美、法兩國人民間的傳統友誼。

The internal structure of the atom was the rock upon which the glorious ship of classical theory was doomed to be wrecked . 原子的內部結構是注定要把經典理論這條光榮航船撞碎的礁石。

The wandering look and changed utterance told what wreck had taken place in her once vigorous frame . 她那游移的眼神和變了的語調說明了原來健壯的身體受到了怎樣的摧殘。

The reiteration of this figure, more than anything else, wrecked the conservative chance of coming back . 重申這數字,比其它任何事情更能打消保守黨重新上臺的機會。

Mary sank down on the hearth-rug in the wrecked room and sobbed as if her heart would break . 瑪麗坐在零亂不堪的房間里的爐邊地毯上,傷心地哭泣著,好象心都要碎了。

Disagreements threatened to wreck the peace talks , but the president 's intervention saved the situation . 講和談判因意見分歧危如累卵,而會長從中斡旋方轉危為安。

“there's no chance,“ the doctor said. “she'll be dead before the wrecking crew can free her. “ “沒希望了,”醫生說,“她等不到營救人員把她救出來就會死的。

I treated the wounded and we cut the dead and disabled animals from the wrecked carts . 我醫治了受傷的人,我們把炸死的和炸傷的牲口從炸壞的大車上卸下來。

The salvage continued day and night as the wrecked ship pounded on the rocky coast . 當遇難的船撞上多礁的海岸時,海上救助晝夜不停的進行著。

The captain of the elkor ordered his men to salvage as much as possible from the wreck . 埃爾克爾號船長命令船員從船里盡量多打撈些東西上來。

The captain of the elkor ordered his men to salvage as much as possible from the wreck . 埃爾克號船長命令船員們盡可能從沉船里多打些東西。

I am only surprised that more wrecks of ancient life have not been preserved . 我所感到奇怪的,只是這些古代生物的殘余沒有被保存得更多。

He was fast becoming a physical wreck and this helped to poison his view . 他的身體很快地垮了下來,這也使得他的頭腦受到了有害的影響。

The car will soon go to wreck and ruin standing out in all kinds of weather . 不管天氣如何都把汽車停放在露天里,這輛車很快就會完蛋。

Instead of wrecking the valley, the waters are put to use making electricity . 現在河水不但不在流域內肆瘧,反而被人們用來發電。

One should not wreck a young man's career for a single boyish indiscretion . 人們不要因為一件幼稚的輕率舉動就斷送青年人的前程。

For every sin that he committed, a stain would fleck and wreck its fairness . 每當他犯了罪,就會出現些斑駁之處損害它的花客。

You should not wreck a young man's career for a single boyish indiscretion . 不要因為一件幼稚的輕率舉動就斷送青年人的前程。