
wrathful adj.1.忿怒的,激怒的。2.表現憤怒的;憤怒造成的。...


But before pierre had time to make up his mind what answer he would send , the countess herself walked calmly and majestically into the room . she was wearing a white satin dressing - gown embroidered with silver , and had her hair in two immense coils wound like a coronet round her exquisite head . in spite of her calm , there was a wrathful line on her rather prominent , marble brow 可是皮埃爾心里還沒有決定回答他的話,伯爵夫人就親自走進房里來,神態安靜而莊嚴,穿著一種滾銀邊的白綢長罩衫,梳著普通的發型兩條粗大的辮子在她那漂亮的頭上盤了兩盤成了diadme ,不過在稍微突出的大理石般光滑的額頭上有一條憤怒的皺紋。

From the west sky a wrathful shine - all that wild march could afford in the way of sunset - had burst forth after the cloudy day , flooding the tired and sticky faces of the threshers , and dyeing them with a coppery light , as also the flapping garments of the women , which clung to them like dull flames . a panting ache ran through the rick 在西邊的天上,有一道憤怒的閃光那是在狂暴的三月才有的夕陽它從云天里噴灑而出,傾瀉在筋疲力盡的打麥人滿是汗水的臉上,在他們的身上鍍上了一層紅銅的顏色,同時那些流光又像暗淡的火焰,照射在婦女們飄動的衣裙上。

Prince andrey looked sternly at her . a sudden look of wrathful exasperation came into his face . he said nothing to her , but stared at her forehead and her hair , without looking at her eyes , with such contempt that the frenchwoman crimsoned and went away without a word 安德烈公爵嚴肅地瞟了她一眼,臉上頓時流露出狂怒的神色,他什么話也沒有對她說,不屑望望她的眼睛,只朝她的額角和頭發瞥視一下,眼神是那么鄙夷,以致這個法國女人滿面通紅,她一言未發便走開了。

To all these inquiries he gave brief and wrathful replies , the drift of which was that his instructions were now not needed , that all his careful preparations had now been ruined by somebody , and that that somebody would have to take all responsibility for anything that might happen now 對所有這些問題,伯爵一概給予簡略的憤怒的答復,以表示他的指示現在用不著了他竭盡全力準備好的一切被某個人破壞了,而這個人將要對馬上發生的一切承擔全部責任。

When i was a mere boy of an officer no one would have dared to make a laughing - stock of me like this and now ! he was in a state of physical suffering , as though from corporal punishment , and could not help expressing it in wrathful and agonised outcries 他好像遭到鞭打一樣感到生理上的痛楚,他不能不用憤怒和痛苦的喊叫來加以發泄但是他很快就泄了勁,他向四下里看了看,覺得自己剛才說了許多難聽的話,他坐上馬車,默默地回去了。

When he left the car , he strode along the sidewalk as a wrathful man will stride , and he rang the morse bell with such viciousness that it roused him to consciousness of his condition , so that he entered in good nature , smiling with amusement at himself 他下了車便像個暴怒的人一樣在路邊大踏步走著,直到狠狠按響了莫爾斯家的門鈴,才猛醒過來,意識到自己的心惰,覺得好笑,然后才心平氣和地進了門。

Mihail ivanitch went up to the plan , and the old prince , talking to him about it , went off to his own room , casting a wrathful glance at princess marya and dessalle . princess marya saw dessalles embarrassed and amazed expression as he looked at her father 米哈伊爾伊萬內奇走到那計劃前面,公爵和他讀了讀新建房的計劃,然后生氣地看了看瑪麗亞公爵小姐和德薩爾一眼,便到自己的房里去了。

Normally , there are four kind of jin - seign , peaceful , wrathful , powerful , and magnetic , four aspects of jin - seign , and sometimes combination of all four . so , each one have their own ingredients you have to follow . and it is not handle by lay people 所以,這四類“津塞“各有特定的供品,我們必須遵循之,不是由在家居士來供養,須由出家或神職人員擔任,若不是出家眾,則至少必須是司祭。

What is it , whats the matter ? asked the two princesses on seeing prince andrey , and catching a momentary glimpse of the figure of the old man in his white dressing - gown , wearing his spectacles and no wig , and shouting in a wrathful voice 公爵夫人和公爵小姐望見了安德烈公爵和那身穿白長衫未戴假發戴著一副老年人用的眼鏡憤怒地吼叫的老年人匆匆探出來的身子,于是問道。

Princess marya hastily wiped away her tears , with resolute steps went up to the frenchwoman , and obviously unconscious of what she was doing , with wrathful haste and breaks in her voice she began screaming at her 公爵小姐瑪麗亞連忙揩掉眼淚,邁開堅定的腳步走到布里安跟前,顯然,她自己也不知道是怎么回事,她帶著慍怒和沖動的嗓音向法國女人大聲喊叫起來:

Tihon was used to the princes habit of expressing his thoughts aloud , and so it was with an unmoved countenance that he met the wrathful and inquiring face that emerged from the nightshirt . gone to bed ? inquired the prince 吉洪知道公爵有時候會有出聲地表達思維的習慣,所以在公爵把臉從睡衣里露出來時,他仍然面不變色,與他那疑問而惱怒的目光相遇。

For a man who has a happy mind , he sees a world that is worth feeling joyous ; for a man who has hatreds , he will see a wrathful world ; for someone with sadness , he will see a world full of sorrow 擁有一顆快樂的心的人,見到的是一個值得歡欣的世界;內心充滿仇恨的人,見到的是一個令人憤怒的世界;心中滿是憂傷的人,見到的是一個充滿悲哀的世界。

Though in a wrathful form , the protector is always motivated by compassion and loving care for all sentient beings . protector setraps wrath is directed at our inner and secret defilements of attachment , anger , ignorance and our self - cherishing attitude 我們也可以說金甲衣護法所展現的忿怒相是專門對治我們內心里因無明所引發出的貪?癡之染習。

Setrap is a wrathful form of buddha amitabha , where his role is similar to that of angry parents towards their wayward children hoping to wake them to their senses and bring them onto the correct path ?的示現如同父母對于孩子的嚴厲管教希望能喚醒他們的良知帶領他們走上正途因此其背后的動機是出于對有情眾生的大慈悲心。

He was just opening his mouth to speak when he was interrupted by a perfectly toothless senator with a shrewd and wrathful face , who was standing close by the last orator 他剛要開口,一個離那個講話的人很近的樞密官此人牙掉得精光,有一張聰明的面孔,但滿臉怒容,他打斷了皮埃爾的話。

Hey , the sausage , hes moving away ! sell us your missis , said another soldier , addressing the german , who strode along with downcast eyes , looking wrathful and alarmed 另一個士兵把臉轉向德國人說道,說話時重音落在最后一個音節上,那個德國人垂下眼簾,氣忿而驚恐地邁著大步向前走去。

However , his entire form sits on a lotus to signify that everything he does , no matter how wrathful its appearance , is done out of a deep compassion to help us out of our suffering 雖然如此?大的身軀安坐在蓮花臺代表著在?猙獰的面目下的一切所為皆是發自于對眾生強烈的慈悲心。

At last one old footman came out with a wrathful air , and announced to the rostovs that the prince was not receiving , but the princess begged them to walk up 后來有一個怒形于色的老仆役走來稟告羅斯托夫家里人,說公爵不能接見,公爵小姐請他們到她面前去。

“ for i was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure with which the lord was wrathful against you in order to destroy you , but the lord listened to me that time also 申9 : 19我因耶和華向你們大發烈怒、要滅絕你們、就甚害怕、但那次耶和華又應允了我。