
wraparound adj.包著的,圍著的;包括一切的。


Be in so called period of 3 years of natural disaster , he passes sufficient investigation and study , face at that time put satellite , crave for greatness and success , lose contact with reality , 3 minutes of natural disaster the reality of disaster of 7 minutes of people , dare to stand to replace conversation of millions upon millions common people , give on top leader 10 thousand character the book , till be koed after do not flee , do not commit suicide , the far more than that place expression comes out is “ gas “ the word can describe wraparound spirit , its character charm , flare lofty or bottomless , always illuminate later generations 在所謂的三年自然災難時期,他經過充分的調查研究,面對當時的放衛星、好大喜功、脫離實際、三分天災七分人禍的現實,敢于站出來替億萬老百姓說話,給最高領袖上萬言書,直至被打倒后的不叛逃、不自殺,所表現出來的何止是一個“氣”字能夠形容概括的精神,其人格魅力,光焰萬丈,永照后人!

After locating the exact tandem repeats , we use them as seeds and expand them by wraparound dynamic aligning , and finally get all the valid approximate tandem repeats with insertion , deletion and dismatching . this is the algorithm for locating approximate tandem repeats . a software replocate is implemented , which can locate all the tandem repeats effectively in genome sequences 在此精確串聯重復識別算法的基礎上,把精確串聯重復作為核,通過回繞動態規劃比對將精確串聯重復和它所在的序列片段進行比對,使精確串聯重復序列擴展為具有插入、刪除和錯配結構的有效模糊串聯重復。

In our routine , what does the person accident injury insurance that consults insurance of social inductrial injury and commercial insurance company via regular meeting somebody have to differ , wraparound for those who have 6 sides is different : it is the purpose differs 在我們日常工作中,經常會有人咨詢社會工傷保險與商業保險公司的人身意外傷害保險有什么不同,概括來說有六個方面的不同:一是目的不同。

In word processing , an editing feature in which the system automatically adjusts the right hand margin for insertion or deletion of copy during playback . word and sometimes page wraparound is automatically performed as needed 字(詞)處理技術中的一種編輯特性,在此特性下,系統在副本中插入或刪除后,右邊自動對齊。在需要時,系統自動完成卷字和卷頁。

“ don ' t be fooled by the wraparound sunglasses and the excess hipness , ” the los angeles times said . “ bono is deeply versed in the issues afflicting the least - developed nations of the world 別被那付全罩式墨鏡和夸張的流行打扮給騙了,洛杉磯時報寫道,波諾對關于世界上最低度發展國家苦難的那些議題,可是有深入了解。

When wearing sunglasses with a suit or sport coat , wire - rimmed aviators are your most refined and understated option . leave those athletic wraparound shades for beach - volleyball players and center fielders 框架太陽鏡絕對是西服或運動外套的好搭檔。連沙灘排球手和中場手都可以享受運動包裹下的蔭涼。

A specialist at sydney eye hospital said that wraparound glasses were the best for eye protection and children should be encouraged to wear them from the age of three or four 悉尼眼科醫院的一位專科醫師說,寬邊墨鏡保護眼睛的效果最好,兒童從三四歲起就應該開始佩戴。

A word is wraparound “ break away from the scientific method research to specific issue , the general that achieves materialist dialectics impossibly is comfortable “ 一句話概括“脫離科學方法對具體問題的研究,不可能達到唯物辨證法的普適” 。

Answer : wraparound rise to basically have two sides : it is thought understanding respect , 2 it is respect of skill of knowledge of fire prevention , put out a fire 答:概括起來主要有兩個方面:一是思想熟悉方面,二是防火、滅火知識技能方面。

A wraparound spider has a broad abdomen which is so flattened that the spider can wrap itself around a twig 扁蜘蛛有寬闊的腹部,它扁平得能讓蜘蛛包裹住細枝。

1 end panels and back are formed of one - piece , wraparound design to minimize welding joints 前板和后背板為一片成形式環繞設計。

Word and sometimes page wraparound is automatically performed as needed 在需要時,系統自動完成卷字和卷頁。