
worthy adj.(-their; -thiest)1.有價值的,...


Then you will not only be worthy to feast with the gods, but to rule with them also . 那么你就不僅僅有資格和神們歡宴,你甚至有資格和他們一起進行統治。

There was certainly a striking contrast between charles grandet, and the worthy provincials . 查理葛朗臺跟那些老實的內地人正好成為鮮明的對照。

time makes it inevitable that in every profession the rising generation is worthier than the former one . 長江后浪推前浪,一代新人勝舊人。

The desire to be worthy of them could bring out the best in their admirers . 他們的敬慕者為了要配得上他們,就會盡量表現出他們自身的美德來。

The king looked at his son, he saw that the youth was in every way worthy of praise . 國王仔細地看他的兒子,感到這個青年樣樣都值得稱贊。

If god sees fit that i should marry, he would provide me with a worthy husband . 如果上帝認為我應該結婚,他就會供給我一個如意郎君的。

You scorn me because i have taken your money, and i am worthy to be scorned . 你嘲笑我,是因為我拿過你的錢,我應該受到你的嘲笑。

The spread was worthy of the occasion, and the guests did full justice to it . 豐盛的酒席和這一場面很相配,客人們盡情地吃著。

By the plaudits he received, it was doubtless worthy of his fame . 從他所得到的喝彩來看,它肯定是同他的聲譽相符的。

Their social and fraternal ends are sometimes worthy of note as well . 它們的社會目標和互相目標有時也同樣值得注意。

Could it be that she might make of him a true and worthy husband yet ? 她能不能真的再把他當作自己值得敬愛的丈夫呢?

My heart really warmed to the worthy lady as i heard her talk . 聽著她談話,我心里對這位可敬的婦人產生了好感。

This book is a monumental work worthy of china 's new cultural movement . 這部著作不愧為中國新文化運動的豐碑。

You must first have shown yourself worthy in several battles . 你首先必須在多次的交戰中證明你是出類拔萃的。

Albert is a worthy man to whom i am as good as betrothed . 艾伯特是一個值得尊敬的人,實際上我和他訂婚了。

I could be faithful to you without injuring a worthy person . 我可以對你忠心到底,而不至于坑害一個好人。

She was resolved to show herself worthy of her good fortune . 她決心要表示出她是承受得起這份鴻運的。

No, brother; but she is so worthy of esteem, and so true ! 不,不,老兄!可她真是個賢惠忠實的人兒!

Worthy and unworthy motives are often not dissociable . 高尚和不高尚的動機不是時常能夠區別開來的。