
worthwhile adj.值得出力的,值得做的;很好的。


That was so worthwhile that it made me feel good . . 那是非常值得,并且讓我感覺很棒的事. .

Try your best ; it ' s a worthwhile job 全力以赴,這是份值得一做的工作。

Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success 性格是一切偉大成功的奠基石。

Do they have a worthwhile compensation plan 他們有一個有意義補償方案

It is worthwhile for you to buy a sample lot 你方買一批樣貨是值得的。

For me , that ' s really what makes it all worthwhile 對我而言,這才是經營企業有意義之處。

It is worthwhile to make some sacrifices for your dreams 為你的夢想做些犧牲是值得的。

Connie : it might be worthwhile to just replace it 康妮:直接換一臺新的或許比較劃算。

Does public policy every accomplish anything worthwhile 公共政策真能適當的解決問題?

I guess we ' ve seen everything that ' s worthwhile 我想值得看的我們都看了。

It is the awareness that life is not worthwhile 它是對人生無意義的自覺。

I don ' t think it worthwhile taking such trouble 我認為費這么大勁不值得。

I will live a fantastic and worthwhile life 我將過燦爛的、有價值的生活。

That was so worthwhile that it made me feel good 那是非常值得,并且讓我感覺很棒的事

But it ' s worthwhile to keep informed of such techniques 但它的價值隨時了解這種技術。

It ' s the kind of thing that makes a surftrip worthwhile 這是讓沖浪之旅變得有意義的事

It is a worthwhile transaction , though small 這筆交易雖小,但還是值得的。

A note on the name of the twisted library is worthwhile Twisted庫的名稱要說明一下。

Yes , that ' s what makes it all worthwhile 是的,這使得所有事情都是值得的。