
worshipful adj.1.可貴的,可尊敬的〔用于對治安法官等的稱呼〕。...


An article of headgear since ascertained to belong to the much respected clerk of the crown and peace mr george fottrell and a silk umbrella with gold handle with the engraved initials , coat of arms and house number of the erudite and worshipful chairman of quarter sessions sir frederick falkiner , recorder of dublin , have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the island , respectively , the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant s causeway , the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of holeopen bay near the old head of kinsale 搜查隊在本島的偏僻地區發現了一頂帽子,已查明系屬于那位備受尊重的法庭書記喬治弗特里爾640先生還有一把綢面雨傘金柄上鐫刻著都柏林市記錄法官641博學可敬的季審法院院長弗雷德里克福基納爵士姓名的首字盾形紋章以及住宅號碼。也就是說,前者位于巨人堤道642第三玄武巖埂上后者埋在古老的金塞爾海岬643附近霍爾奧彭灣的沙灘深達一英尺三英寸的地方。

The argue among the virous feminism theories , spurs the theories reflect themselves and develop themselves continually . just in the continual innovation and denial , women have gotten significantly worshipful equality and rights , the idea of opposeing gender discrimination become more theoretic , logical and popular 就在不斷的創新與否定之中,女性已經為自身在諸多方面爭取到可貴的平等與權利,反對性別歧視思想在政治、經濟斗爭中不斷的理論化、邏輯化,并深入人心。

Nanning company is upholding evergrande business spirits of “ enterprising with utmost fortitude , selfless dedication , hardworking and pioneering ” and evergrande work style of “ elaborative planning , practical execution and high efficiency ” , focusing on creating “ elaborative works of evergrande ” , and advocating new life in a worshipful noble environment , which is sure to improve nanning urban charm 南寧公司秉承“艱苦創業、無私奉獻、努力拼搏、開拓進取”的恒大企業精神和“精心策劃、狠抓落實、辦事高效”的恒大工作作風,著力打造恒大精品,倡導西南地區人居尊尚生活,提升南寧城市魅力。

Marx economics has the worshipful and scientific character that is critical inheriting and extracting existent human civilization production , carrying through the theory study on the foundation of economic facts , developing and perfecting its own theory to follow the change of time 摘要馬克思經濟學具有可貴的科學品格,即:批判地繼承和吸取既有的人類文明成果;從經濟事實出發進行理論研究;與時俱進地不斷完善和發展自身理論。

He felt like sitting at the feet of the professor , worshipful and absorbent ; but , as he listened , he began to discern a weakness in the other s judgments - a weakness so stray and elusive that he might not have caught it had it not been ever present 他感到自己仿佛是坐在教授腳邊,滿懷景仰地吸取著知識但他也漸漸發現了對方判斷中的漏洞那漏洞閃爍不定,很難捉摸,若不是一直出現他是難于把捉到的。

The titter that rippled around the room appeared to abash the boy , but in reality that result was caused rather more by his worshipful awe of his unknown idol and the dread pleasure that lay in his high good fortune 教室里到處都是竊竊私語聲,似乎是這讓湯姆臉紅。但實際上,他臉紅是因為崇拜那位素不相識的女孩,還有幸能和她同桌。

Maria , with worshipful eyes that none the less were keen to note the texture of ruth s garments and the cut of them a cut unknown that produced an effect mysteriously beautiful , saw her to the carriage 瑪利亞用崇拜的眼光送她上了馬車。她目光敏銳,注意到了露絲衣服的料子和剪裁。那是一種從沒有見過的款式,有一種神秘的美。

He wondered that they did not want to , that they had been out having a good time instead of being with her that evening , talking with her , sitting around her in a worshipful and adoring circle 他不明白他們怎么會不想見她,那天晚上怎么會出去玩而沒有在她身邊圍成一圈去跟她談話,對她頂禮膜拜。他想了下去。

If the hussy stood up for judgment before us five , that are now here in a knot together , would she come off with such a sentence as the worshipful magistrates have awarded 要是那個破靶站在眼下咱們這五個姐們兒跟前聽候判決,她能夠帶著那些可敬的官老爺們賞給她的判決溜過去嗎?

He would sometimes catch her large , worshipful eyes , that had no bottom to them , looking at him from their depths , as if she saw something immortal before her 他有時候也注意到她那雙虔誠的大眼睛,深不可測,正在從最深處看著他,仿佛她看見了自己面前不朽的神一樣。

“ it is of moment to her soul , and therefore , as the worshipful governor says , momentous to thine own , in whose charge hers is “這是她靈魂的關鍵時刻,而正如令人崇敬的總督大人所說,由于你對她的靈魂負有職責,因此,這對你自己的靈魂也同樣是關鍵時刻。

I , wise and wonderful father : children , i have a paternal proclamation . please stop eating for a moment and pay rapt and worshipful attention 我-睿智的好父親:孩子們,我要發布一項父親宣言。現在,請稍停用餐,大家全神貫注地、敬畏地聽我講。

I had spent the better part of the night at the bedside of the worshipful governor winthrop , doing what my poor skill might to give him ease 我在那令人崇敬的溫斯洛普總督的床邊呆了大半夜,盡拙技之能為他減輕痛苦。

A man ' s ideal woman is the one he passes with a worshipful bow ? when he ' s on his way to call on the other woman 男人心目中理想的女人,是當他在往訪其他女性的半路上遇見她的時候、惟恭惟敬地給她行禮的女人。

A man ' s ideal woman is the one he pass with a worshipful bow when he ' s on his way to call on the other woman 男人心目中理想的女人,是當他在往訪其他女性的半?上遇見她的時候、惟恭惟敬地給她行禮的女人。

On my life , hester , i made my entreaty to the worshipful magistrate that it might be done forthwith ! 我敢發誓,海絲特,我當即懇求那可敬的長官,這事應予立即施行! ”

No , no , worshipful master , light of love . mistaken identity 哪里的話,可敬的師傅96 ,這是個輕佻的女人。

“ is the worshipful governor bellingham within ? “ inquired hester “貝靈漢總督大人在嗎? ”海絲特問。

“ is the worshipful governor bellingham within ? “貝靈漢總督大人在嗎? ”