
workaholic n.〔口語〕(為免遭辭退)廢寢忘食工作的人。n.-hol...


Most companies think that they are benefiting from a workaholic ' s long hours , even if it is at the worker ' s expense , professor porter said 波特教授說,以支出的費用而言,很多公司以為能從工作狂的長時間工作中?到便宜。

I am a workaholic . if you look up the word “ workaholic “ in webster ' s dictionary , you can find my picture right there under the world 我是工作狂。查閱韋式字典當中的“工作狂”一詞,你會發現我的照片就刊登在那個單詞下。

Here are a few tips to help you , the workaholic , refocus and get the best out of life and keep you healthy and alive in the long run too 以下是對工作狂的一些建議,以幫助你汲取生活的精華,使你活得更健康長壽。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 那些以工作為第一的人以為周末睡懶覺可以彌補一周來的睡眠不足的話,那是在對自己開玩笑。

And it is not because these people are workaholics , but rather , it is because there is always stuff to do 而這樣與其說這些人都是工作狂,不如說因為那里永遠充滿了必須要做的工作。

Red bull is a favourite drink for exam crammers , long distance drivers , workaholics and late night party animals 紅牛是考前突擊者、長途司機、工作狂人和午夜派對迷的至愛飲料。

Sometimes , the workaholic may have unwittingly created the problems to provide the endless thrill of more work 有時,工作狂也許會不經意的制造出難題,為更多的工作興奮不已。

Billy : no . a workaholic would choose to work on their holiday , but i would rather be fishing with you guys 比利:不是。工作狂選擇在放假的時候工作,不過我更想和你們去釣魚。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 如果工作狂們認為周末睡個懶覺就能彌補一周來的睡眠不足,那他們是在欺騙自己。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 過度工作的人正在和自己開玩笑,如果他們以為周未睡眠可以彌補日常睡眠不足。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 如果工作狂們認為周末懶覺可以彌補一周的睡眠不足,那可真是自欺欺人了。

I remembered he ' d been top of his class , so he was bound to have grown up into a square workaholic 我記得他以前一直是班上的尖子,所以他一定長成了個古板的工作狂。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 工作狂認為一個周末的睡覺可以補充一周失去的睡眠,這種想法是愚蠢的。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 工作狂如果以為周末睡懶覺能彌補一個星期的睡眠不足,無疑是自欺欺人。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 工作狂如果認為周末睡懶覺能夠彌補失去的睡眠,那么他們在自欺欺人。

I am a workaholic in certain way , however , i still try my best to enjoy my life as much as i can 在某方面是一名工作狂,然而,我會盡我所能的去從生活中得到樂趣

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 如果工作狂們認為在周末睡懶覺可以彌補失去的睡眠那他們是愚蠢的。

Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie - in can make up for lost sleep 專心工作的人自欺欺人,他們認為一個周末的睡眠可以彌補睡眠不足。

Elizabeth masterson witherspoon is a dedicated , workaholic doctor who is way to busy for a life 大衛在三藩市租下一座新房子,打算舒舒服服地享受其寡佬生活。