
witness n.1.證據;證實,證明。2.證人,親眼看見的人,目擊者...

witness box

I must repeat that as a witness mrs. moore does not exist . 我必須重申,作為證人的摩爾太太是不存在的。

I will take all men to witness that i am clear of this matter . 我要請所有的人證明我和這件事毫無關系。

Police have asked witnesses of the accident to come forward . 警方要求事故的目擊者挺身而出予以協助。

You'll be punished if you procure the witness to commit perjury . 如果你誘使證人作偽證,你要受罰的。

The judge rapped the police for their treatment of the witness . 法官嚴厲指責警察對待證人的行為。

You've got a fine case, even if you haven't got witnesses . 你的案子對你有利,即使你沒有見證人。

Huniphrey sat uncomfortably in the hardbacked witness chair . 漢弗萊不舒服地坐在證人的硬座椅上。

Heaven is my witness . 蒼天是我的見證人。

Inside the hotel, a police captain questioned witnesses . 在飯店里面,一位警長正在詢問目擊者。

The witness perjured himself . 證人作假證。

But you needn't feel you are on the witness stand . 你可用不著覺得你自己象是站在見證席上啊。

But their names have been taken as witnesses . 可是,作為見證人,她們的名子已經記錄在案了。

The judge reminded the witness that she was still under oath . 法官提醒證人她仍要遵守諾言。

He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses . 他在有見證人在場的情況下提出了控告。

Let the witness be sworn in . 讓證人宣誓作證。

The lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness . 律師們花了兩個小時的時間訊問證人。

He witnessed the battle . 他親眼目睹了那場戰斗。

He was summoned as a witness . 他被傳喚出庭作證。

He has witnessed many battles . 他經歷過多次戰斗。