
without 短語和例子without the gates 在門外。 ...


I do not speak without good evidence . 我不會說沒有可靠根據的話。

Oxidation cannot occur without reduction . 沒有還原反應就沒有氧化反應。

Our party landed in england without incident . 我們一行安抵倫敦。

The words had come out without forethought . 這話未加思考就脫口而出了。

I'll cancel it without reconsideration . 我無需再作任何考慮就可解除它。

There's no generosity without some sacrifice . 凡是慷慨的行為都有犧牲。

He thought of her without satisfaction . 他一想到她心里就不痛快。

He admitted it without justifying it . 他不加辯解地承認這個想法。

He had deserted the office without leave . 他沒有請假就擅離職守。

I am very near-sighted without my glasses on . 我要是不戴眼鏡十分近視。

She went out without staying for an answer . 她不等回答就出去了。

We accept your statement without reserve . 我們毫無保留地接受你的意見。

I showed him the equipment without delay . 我毫不遲延地向他出示了設備。

Kindly remit us the balance without delay . 請立即把余額匯給我們。

Without health, happiness is impossible . 沒有健康就不可能有幸福。

Explain as little as possible without being brusque . 解釋要少而得體。

He did it without any prompting from me . 他做這事完全不用我督促。

I would have broken my word without compunction . 我會毫無內疚地食言。

You can not go on working without a break . 人不能不停地工作而不休息。