
vow n.1.誓言,誓約;誓愿。2.誓約內容,誓約行為(等)。...


So he left thumb village . vowing never to return 所以他離開了拇指村,并發誓永不回來

He vowed to protect her , you see , but 他發過誓要保護他,你知道,但是。 。 。

Nervously , the young couple repeats their vows 一對新人緊張地跟著說出他們的誓言。

In the woods , you said your vows so perfectly 剛在森林里你說的結婚誓言…太完美了

The power of vows and god the miracle of holy water 供茶的神跡愿力與神力-一

You can . say anything right now , promise , vow 競選者可以說得天花亂墜,承諾,誓言

She vow that she will take the matter to court 她鄭重宣布要把這事訴諸法律。

Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms 激動時所立的誓,平靜時會忘記的。

He vowed to protect her , you see , but . . 他發過誓要保護他,你知道,但是。 。 。

He vowed that he would prosecute them for fraud 他鄭重宣布將起訴他們犯有欺詐罪。

He believed in the power of buddha and make vows as well 所以他相信佛力也發了誓

I came here vowing to change my priorities 我來這里就是要發誓改變我的生活重心

We had an agreement ! you vowed to persephone 我們有協議的!你向神發過誓的!

But you didn ' t have to do me like that about my vows 但你也不需要逼著我去寫誓言

The vows you have taken are holy and binding 你們立下的誓言是神圣而有約束力的

Marilyn , we ' re saying some goddamn vows tomorrow 瑪里琳,我們明天一定要去宣誓

It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun 這似乎是一個修女的貞操誓言。

We ' re already saying our vows . that ' s enough 我們已經念了我們的誓約,這足夠了

Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered 他一旦宣了誓,他就一直忠貞不渝。