
vouchsafe vt.給,賜;允諾 (to do)。 V- me a v...


You see , i mistrust you still , though you have borne up wonderfully so far . i have brought you a book for evening solace , and he laid on the table a new publication - a poem : one of those genuine productions so often vouchsafed to the fortunate public of those days - the golden age of modern literature 你瞧,我還是不大相信,盡管你到目前為止還是很好地挺過來了,我給你帶來了一本書供你晚上消遣, ”他把一本新出版的書放在桌上一部詩:是那個時代現代文學的黃金時代常常賜予幸運的公眾一本貨真價實的出版物。

She had even condescended to advise him to marry as soon as he could , provided he chose with discretion ; and had once paid him a visit in his humble parsonage ; where she had perfectly approved all the alterations he had been making , and had even vouchsafed to suggest some herself , - some shelves in the closets up stairs 多蒙她體恤下情,曾經親自勸他及早結婚,只要他能夠謹慎選擇對象。她還到他的寒舍去拜訪過一次,對于他住宅所有經過他整修過的地方都十分贊成,并且蒙她親自賜予指示,叫他把樓上的璧櫥添置幾個架子。

But , gracious heaven , was i left with but a crust in my wallet and a cupful of water from the well , my god , i would accept of them and find it in my heart to kneel down upon the ground and give thanks to the powers above for the happiness vouchsafed me by the giver of good things 然而,上天保佑,即使吾行囊中僅有些許餅屑,以及一杯井水,吾亦深感滿足,并甘愿跪于地下,為萬寶之賜與者所確保之幸福,向上蒼之神力致謝。 ”

Lord , great architect of nature , help me to tear away these dogsmy evil passions and especially the lastthat unites in itself the violence of all the former ones , and aid me to enter that temple of virtue , of which i was vouchsafed a vision in my sleep 天主啊,大自然的建筑師啊!幫助我掙脫這幾只狗我覺得可怕的狗,幫助我掙脫它們之中的那只把原先幾只狗的力量聚集于一身的狗,幫助我步入我在夢中目睹的象征美德的神殿。 ”

Hannah had told me in the morning there was a letter for me , and when i went down to take it , almost certain that the long - looked - for tidings were vouchsafed me at last , i found only an unimportant note from mr . briggs on business 早上漢娜告訴我有我的一封信,我下樓去取的時候,心里幾乎十拿九穩,該是久盼的消息終于來了。但我發現不過是一封無關緊要的短簡,是布里格斯先生的公務信。

For instance , one evening he said a charmingly epigrammatic thing in my presence . “ la faloise meanwhile had heard the few rapid sentences thus whisperingly interchanged , and he gazed at fauchery in hopes of an explanation which was not vouchsafed him 他倆講話很快,你一言我一語,聲音很低,但都被拉法盧瓦茲聽見了,他注視著福什利,希望他過來解釋一下,但福什利始終沒過來。

Albert turned round , just in time to receive a gracious wave of the fan from the baroness ; as for mademoiselle eug nie , she scarcely vouchsafed to waste the glances of her large black eyes even upon the business of the stage 阿爾貝及時轉過頭來,剛巧看到男爵夫人對他和藹地搖了搖扇子,至于歐熱妮小姐,她是很少給恩賜她那一對黑色大眼睛的秋波的,甚至對舞臺上望一眼都難得。

Bless his counsels , his undertakings , and his deeds ; fortify his kingdom with thy almighty hand , and vouchsafe him victory over the enemy , even as thou gavest moses victory over amalek , and gideon over midian , and david over goliath 為他的智慧創舉和事業祝福吧請你用全能的手加強他的王國,支持他戰勝敵人,就像你使摩西戰勝亞瑪力,基甸戰勝米甸,大衛戰勝歌利亞一樣。

And how impossible did it appear to touch the inmates of this house with concern on my behalf ; to make them believe in the truth of my wants and woes - to induce them to vouchsafe a rest for my wanderings 要打動房子里的人讓她們來關心我,相信我的需要和悲苦是真的一一要說動她們為我的流浪提供一個歇息之處,是多么不可能呀!

This consciousness upon which he had intruded was the single opportunity of existence ever vouchsafed to tess by an unsympathetic first cause - her all ; her every and only chance 他已經進入的這個知覺世界,是無情的造物主賜給苔絲的唯一的生存機會是她的一切是所有的也是僅有的機會。

Simonne asked cheerfully if it was for her , but the porter woman did not vouchsafe an answer and only pointed her chin toward nana s dressing room at the end of the passage 西蒙娜開玩笑說,這束花是不是送給她的但是女門房沒有吭聲,用下巴指指走廊盡頭娜娜的化妝室。

Once again , seriously ; may i enjoy the great good that has been vouchsafed to me , without fearing that any one else is suffering the bitter pain i myself felt a while ago “再嚴肅問一遍,我可以享受向我擔保的巨大幸福,而不必擔心別人也像我剛才一樣蒙受劇痛嗎? ”

As he did not vouchsafe any further answer , she was silenced , but she could not go to sleep and lay tossing to and fro 因為豐唐不理睬她,她也只好住口了。但是她不能入睡,在床上輾轉反側。

Nana vouchsafed no further reply , but the curtain began moving . doubtless she was making up her mind 娜娜雖然沒有回答,只見帷幕動了,她大概已打定主意出來。

This must be love , she thought , in the one rational moment that was vouchsafed her 這肯定就是愛情,在她獲得瞬間的理智時,她想。

He did not vouchsafe a reply 他未予答復。

Mr earnshaw vouchsafed no answer 恩蕭先生卻沒有回答。

What have you made of all the blessings vouchsafed you 您憑賜予您的這些財富做出了什么事業?

He thanked for all the blessings which providence had vouchsafed to him while in this valley of strife and toil . 他感謝上帝在這紛爭與勞苦之谷所賜予他的一切福佑。