
voter n.投票者;選舉人。 a casting voter 決...


Germany may be the swing voter in such cases 對于這類議題,德國的態度則是搖擺不定的。

Voters seem reluctant to reward him further 選民們似乎不愿再買他的賬了。

Voters seem reluctant to reward him further 選民們看來不愿意回報他更多。

Register as voter or change voters particulars 登記成為選民或更改選民記錄

Application for voter registration geographical constituencies 地方選區選民登記申請表

With the registered voters of this fine state 提高在本州選民中的知名度?

The voter - fraud cases are a difficult call 選民舞弊事件是一項棘手的任務。

But his campaign never caught fire with voters 但是他的競選活動卻打動不了選民的心。

To knock voters off the rolls who aren ' t likely to vote for you .把不投你票的人除去

It is essential that you ( should ) win the voters ' hearts 贏得選民的心是絕對必要的。

S by 10 voters living in the constituency 候選人必須獲得選區內至少10名選民的提名支持

Nope . once he ' s in , the voters will have no say 不,一但他成功,選民們不會再反對了

Voter registration statistics : functional constituency 選民登記數字功能界別

There is a wind of change in the attitude of voters 選民的態度有改變的趨向

But his campaign never caught fire with voters 然而選民對他的參與一直都不感興趣。

But voters prefer the original to the copy 比起復制品選民會更樂意選擇原版。

Many voters are displeased with the government ' s policies 許多選民不滿政府的政策

On the relationship between parties and voters by 德姆塞茨論政黨與選民的關系

Voters need achance to start putting it right 選民需要一次機會來糾正現有的錯誤。