
votary n.(fem. votaress )1.皈依者,信仰者,...


I burnt for the more active life of the world - for the more exciting toils of a literary career - for the destiny of an artist , author , orator ; anything rather than that of a priest : yes , the heart of a politician , of a soldier , of a votary of glory , a lover of renown , a luster after power , beat under my curate s surplice 我熱烈向往世間更活躍的生活一向往文學經歷更激動人心的勞作一向往藝術家作家演說家的命運,只要不當牧師,隨便當什么都可以。是的,一個政治家一個士兵一個光榮事業的獻身者一個沽名釣譽者一個權力欲很強的人的一顆心,在牧師的法衣下跳動。

Singular , communed the guest with himself , the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis possessed by them , that the puerperal dormitory and the dissecting theatre should be the seminaries of such frivolity , that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an art which most men anywise eminent have esteemed the noblest 客人聞訖,暗自思量: “彼等具有之神奇的輪回力實無與倫比,不同凡響。產院與解剖室均已變為輕佻話語之操練廳。然而一旦獲得學位,彼等輕浮蕩子搖身一變即成為被杰出人士譽為最高尚技藝之典范實踐者。

Then began a series of wild descents upon the parisian pavement , plunges into the baser sort of vice , whose votaries prowl in muddy bystreets under the restless flicker of gas lamps 于是,她就像發瘋似的,和薩丹一道出去,在巴黎的街上亂逛,在社會低層賣身,她們走在泥濘的街道上,在昏暗的煤氣燈光下尋找嫖客。

There were votaries of pleasure of all ranks in the garden - rakish young surgeons , fast young clerks and commercialists , occasional dandies of the guard regiments , and the rest 到游樂場來取樂的,各種人都有- -自命風流的年輕外科醫生、放蕩的年輕公務員和買賣人、警衛團的少數花花公子、等等。

Gerty was dressed simply but with the instinctive taste of a votary of dame fashion for she felt that there was just a might that he might be out 格蒂穿戴樸素,卻又具有一個時髦少女出于本能對社交界流行習尚的敏感。因為她感到,他有可能出門來了。

That further feminine step in advance which combines paint and petticoats together had not found a votary in miss thorne 女性采取的把指粉和裙子結合起來的更為前進的一步,并沒有得到索思小姐的支持。

Ancient copper and bronze objects , amphorae , goblets , masks , brooches , votary statuettes and oil lamps were also found 以及古代的銅器和高雕像和油燈等。

He was a votary of golf 他是高爾夫球忠實信徒。

Roman soldiers were often votaries of mars , the god of war 羅馬戰士們通常是戰爭之神馬爾斯的忠實信徒。

There were votaries of pleasure of all ranks in the garden-rakish young surgeons, fast young clerks and commercialists, occasional dandies of the guard regiments, and the rest . 到游樂場來取樂的,各種人都有--自命風流的年輕外科醫生、放蕩的年輕公務員和買賣人、警衛團的少數花花公子、等等。

That further feminine step in advance which combines paint and petticoats together had not found a votary in miss thorne . 女性采取的把脂粉和裙子結合起來的更為前進的一步,并沒有得到索思小姐的支持。