
volution n.渦旋,(貝殼的)渦卷,螺環;【解剖學】旋轉。


As time growing , we has had high reputation and friendly relationship among partners . our factory specially produce silicone bra , nubra , eve s bra , underwear , invisilble bra , nipple silicone pad , volution enhancer silicone bra , portable packing , buttocts pad etc . having maintained good cooperation with some china domestic manufacturers , we have become selling agents of some factories . our work is from design , make , to sell , and ship product to pointed place with completed process and superior service besides reliable quality and fine price 公司憑借雄厚的技術力量優良的服務品質,為適應世界發展潮流,引進美國最新的科技產品“隱形胸罩”的技術,研究生產出適合各種女性硅膠胸墊又稱隱形胸罩迷爾胸墊自粘式硅膠胸墊豐乳貼符合現代女性的時尚美麗自信的追求。

As time growing , we has had high reputation and friendly relationship among partners . our factory specially produce silicone bra , nubra , eve s bra , underwear , invisilble bra , nipple silicone pad , volution enhancer silicone bra , portable packing , buttocts pad etc . having maintained good cooperation with some china domestic manufacturers , we have become selling agents of some factories 我們的宗旨是本著“以誠相待以信為本互惠互利”的原則,為您提供一流的優質服務我們將不斷開發研制科技含量高及款式新穎的科技產品投放市場,并可根據客戶的要求開發及定制產品及承接oem及odm訂單。

X , y type is divided into n type left convolution and s type right convolution in line with direction of volution X , y型根據螺旋方向的不同分為n型,左回旋s右回旋。

Hong kong s clear focus on e - volution 香港邁向電子化目標清晰