
voluptuous adj.1.淫逸的,貪戀酒色的。2.肉欲的;色情的,妖嬈...


And so she trembled at the slightest noise and dread lest parents should hear her , while making the delicious experiments and suffering the voluptuous terrors attendant on a girl s first slip from the path of virtue . nana in those days was subject to the fancies a sentimental girl will indulge in 這種情景對她來說,似乎像一個離開學校的寄宿女生在度假,她像在與一個表兄弟搞戀愛,她將嫁給他,生怕被父母聽見,只要有一點聲音就嚇得渾身顫抖。她體味著初次失足時的那種甜蜜嘗試和心驚肉跳的快感。

He moved from end to end of his voluptuous bedroom , looking again at the scraps of the day s journey that came unbidden into his mind ; the slow toil up the hill at sunset , the setting sun , the descent , the mill , the prison on the crag , the little village in the hollow , the peasants at the fountain , and the mender of roads with his blue cap pointing out the chain under the carriage 他在他那豪華絕倫的臥室里走來走去,白天旅行的種種情景悄然襲來,闖入他的心里。黃昏時那緩慢吃力的上坡路,落山時的太陽,下山,風車,懸崖頂上的監獄,山坳里的小村,泉水邊的農民,還有那用藍帽子指著車下鏈條的補路工。

Then the three statues advanced towards him with looks of love , and approached the couch on which he was reposing , their feet hidden in their long white tunics , their throats bare , hair flowing like waves , and assuming attitudes which the gods could not resist , but which saints withstood , and looks inflexible and ardent like those with which the serpent charms the bird ; and then he gave way before looks that held him in a torturing grasp and delighted his senses as with a voluptuous kiss . it seemed to franz that he closed his eyes , and in a last look about him saw the vision of modesty completely veiled ; and then followed a dream of passion like that promised by the prophet to the elect 然后,這三尊石像脈脈含情地向他走過來,走到他躺著的床前,她們的腳遮在長袍里面,她們的脖子是赤裸著的,頭發象波浪似的飄動著,她們那種妖媚的態度即使神仙也無法抗拒,只有圣人才能抵擋,她們的目光里充滿著火一般的熱情,一眨不眨地望著他,象一條赤練蛇盯住了一只小鳥一樣在這些象被人緊握住的痛苦和接吻似的甜蜜的目光之前,他只能屈服了。

In each of the sisters there was one trait of the mother - and only one ; the thin and pallid elder daughter had her parent s cairngorm eye : the blooming and luxuriant younger girl had her contour of jaw and chin - perhaps a little softened , but still imparting an indescribable hardness to the countenance , otherwise so voluptuous and buxom 姐妹兩人各自都保留了母親的一個特征只有一個。瘦削蒼白的姐姐有著她母親的煙晶寶石色眸子,而生氣勃勃的妹妹卻承繼了母親頦骨和下巴的輪廓也許要柔和一點,但使她的面容透出一種難以描摹的冷峻,要不然這會是一個十分妖艷美麗的臉蛋。

What these happy persons took for reality was but a dream ; but it was a dream so soft , so voluptuous , so enthralling , that they sold themselves body and soul to him who gave it to them , and obedient to his orders as to those of a deity , struck down the designated victim , died in torture without a murmur , believing that the death they underwent was but a quick transition to that life of delights of which the holy herb , now before you had given them a slight foretaste . 嗯,這些快樂的人所認為的現實,實際上只是一個夢,但這個夢是這樣的寧靜,這樣的安逸,這樣的使人迷戀,以致誰把夢給他們,他們就把自己的肉體和靈魂賣給他。他們服從他的命令象服從上帝一樣。他指使他們去殺死誰,他們就走遍天涯海角去謀害那個犧牲者,即便是他們在毒刑拷打之下死去,也沒人發出一聲怨言,因為他們相信死只是超度到極樂世界的捷徑,而他們已從圣草中嘗到過極樂世界的滋味。

The glass is elaborated into glass decorations of diverse shapes , individuality , abstraction and more practicality and multifarious and multicolored tridimensional visual elaborations ? the arts and crafts products of jinlong brand with the glass nature of glittering and crystal - clear , by full use of its diversified natural voluptuous colors “金龍牌”工藝玻璃產品,利用玻璃獨具晶瑩剔透的特性,充分采用大自然艷麗悅目的多元化色彩,經過生產工藝處理,可將玻璃加工成形態各異、個性化、抽象化、實用性較強,精彩斑斕、五光十色渾厚的立體視覺產品。

You must except , nevertheless , marcus antonius , the half partner of the empire of rome , and appius claudius , the decemvir and lawgiver ; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man , and inordinate ; but the latter was an austere and wise man : and therefore it seems though rarely that love can find entrance , not only into an open heart , but also into a heart well fortified , if watch be not well kept 因為偉大的事業只有羅馬的安東尼和克勞底亞是例外3 。前者本性就好色荒淫,然而后者卻是嚴肅多謀的人。這說明愛情不僅會占領開曠坦闊的胸懷,有時也能闖入壁壘森嚴的心靈-假如手御不嚴的話。

Lastly at the head of the board was the young poet who found a refuge from his labours of pedagogy and metaphysical inquisition in the convivial atmosphere of socratic discussion , while to right and left of him were accommodated the flippant prognosticator , fresh from the hippodrome , and that vigilant wanderer , soiled by the dust of travel and combat and stained by the mire of an indelible dishonour , but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that voluptuous loveliness which the inspired pencil of lafayette has limned for ages yet to come 右邊是剛從賽馬場來的油嘴滑舌的預言家,左邊是那位謹慎的流浪者。他被旅途與廝打揚起的塵埃弄臟,又沾上了難以洗刷的不名譽的污點。然而他那堅定不移忠貞不渝的心中卻懷著妖嬈的倩女面影,那是拉斐特270在靈感觸發下用那支畫筆描繪下來的傳世之作。

She saw her own nakedness in his eyes , immediate knowledge of her . and the fluid , male knowledge of herself seemed to flow to her from his eyes and wrap her voluptuously . oh , how voluptuous and lovely it was to have limbs and body half - asleep , heavy and suffused with passion 那男性對她的認識,好象流液似地從他的眼眼里傳到了她身上,把她春怠融融地包了起來,啊,這半睡的飽和著熱烈情欲的沉重的肢體,是多么撩人肉欲,多么可愛!

The champagne she had been drinking had flushed her a rosy - red ; her lips were moist ; her eyes sparkled , and the banker s offers rose with every kittenish movement of her shoulders , with every little voluptuous lift and fall of her throat , which occurred when she turned her head 她喝下肚的香檳酒使她的面頰上泛起玫瑰紅,她的嘴唇濕潤,目光炯炯每當她的肩膀撒嬌地一扭,轉頭時脖子肉感地微微鼓起,銀行家就增加一次價錢。

She had in her nature a rich , voluptuous , oriental characteristic - a taste for the gorgeously beautiful , which , save in the exquisite productions of her needle , found nothing else , in all the possibilities of her life , to exercise itself upon 她天生就有一種追求富足和奢華的東方人的秉性一種喜歡窮奢極欲的情調,但這一點在她的全部生活中,除去在她那精美的針線手士中尚可施展之外,已經別無表現的可能了。

Product once moldings , change traditional cut out wear comfortable , by high temperature high pressure shapes behind , possesses color voluptuous , feel soft , does not loose unremitting wait for feature , very incurs consumer favor on international market 產品一次成型,改變了傳統的裁剪穿著舒適,經高溫高壓定型后,具有顏色艷麗,手感柔軟,不松不懈等特點,在國際市場上很受消費者青睞。

So connie played with the child and was amused by its little female dauntlessness , and got a deep voluptuous pleasure out of its soft young warmth . young life 康妮和小孩玩著,她的小女性的無懼憚她的溫柔的年輕的溫暖,使康妮覺得有趣而得到一種濃厚的快樂,這年輕的生命!

Palate : a mouth - filling , voluptuous wine with complex fruit flavours of fig , passion fruit and tropical banana on a bed of nutty baked bread and creamy yeast nuances 口感:口感舒適的葡萄酒,帶有無花果、西番蓮、熱帶香蕉、果仁、烤面包和油滑的酵母等復合香味。

It is no shame to attend beyond the clouds to enjoy antonioni ' s cinematic caresses of the youthful sophie marceau ' s breathtakingly voluptuous beauty 所以觀看《云上的日子》 ,享受安東尼奧尼通過鏡頭對年輕的瑪索那令人震驚的美麗的撫摸,是不需要感到難堪的。

Imagination is busy sketching rose - tinted pictures of joy . in fancy , the voluptuous votary of fashion sees herself amid the festive throng , the observed of all observers 時尚的弄潮兒沉溺于紙醉金迷,夢幻中發現自己置身于歡樂的人群,成了眾人眼里的明星。

She was listening to his proposals and continually refusing them with shakes of the head and that temptress s laughter which is peculiar to a voluptuous blonde 她聽著他說話,還以搖頭來拒絕他提出的要求不時發出胖金發女郎挑逗男人的笑聲。

Nana was so white and plump and looked so natural in a part demanding wide hips and a voluptuous mouth that she straightway won the whole house 白白胖胖的娜娜演這種大屁股大嘴巴的人物是那樣自然,她很快就贏得了全場觀眾的贊嘆。

( it is easy to understand why the rabble dislike cats . a cat is beautiful ; it suggests ideas of luxury , cleanliness , voluptuous pleasures 不難理解何以下層社會的人不喜歡貓,因為貓麗質天生,給人奢侈、潔凈、貪圖享樂之感。