
voiceless adj.1.無聲的;沉默無言的,啞的。2.無發言[投票]...

The ancient chinese aesthetics of literary criticism boasts a very striking national tradition , which is represented by the combination of literature and art with practicability and utility , the spirit of being assiduous in book writing , the ideal of creating “ voiceless music “ and its aesthetic acme of perfection , the principle of image shaping featured with “ both the form and spirit being displayed “ , the methods of artistic expression relishing of “ method - free methods “ and the standards of artistic appreciation blessed with a “ lingering flavor “ 摘要中國古代文藝美學具有非常顯著的民族傳統,它們主要表現為:文藝和實用、功利的結合和發憤著書的精神; “無聲之樂”的創作理想和審美境界; “形神兼備”的形象塑造原則; “無法之法”的藝術表現方法; “味外之味”的藝術鑒賞的標準。

Overcome with surprise , nana remained voiceless . “ i suspected it , “ she said at last , slapping her leg . “ i guessed it by merely looking at her on the highroad that day 她終于開口了,一邊拍著大腿, “有一次,我在路上遇見她,一看她那副樣子,我就猜到了。

The consonants “ t “ , “ f “ and “ s “ are voiceless . 輔音“t”、“f”和“s”是不發音的。


The ancient chinese aesthetics of literary criticism boasts a very striking national tradition , which is represented by the combination of literature and art with practicability and utility , the spirit of being assiduous in book writing , the ideal of creating “ voiceless music “ and its aesthetic acme of perfection , the principle of image shaping featured with “ both the form and spirit being displayed “ , the methods of artistic expression relishing of “ method - free methods “ and the standards of artistic appreciation blessed with a “ lingering flavor “ 摘要中國古代文藝美學具有非常顯著的民族傳統,它們主要表現為:文藝和實用、功利的結合和發憤著書的精神; “無聲之樂”的創作理想和審美境界; “形神兼備”的形象塑造原則; “無法之法”的藝術表現方法; “味外之味”的藝術鑒賞的標準。

America does not consist of men who get their names into the newspapers ; america does not consist politically of the men who set themselves up to be political leaders ; she does not consist of the men who do most of her talking , they are important only so far as they speak for that great voiceless multitude of men who constitute the great body and the saving force of the nation 美國不是由名字見報的人組成的,美國不是由政治上想成為政治領袖的人組成的,美國也不是由夸夸其談的人組成的只有當這些人為我們國家的主體,我們國家的原動力,千百萬無聲無息的偉大民眾說話的時候,才談得上他們的重要性。

In studying the different methods of indicating the pronunciation of a chinese character by using two other characters between s . 2055 and other dictionaries of rhyming words , the author found what showed in s . 2055 might be some characteristics in oral language at that time , e . g . the voiced sound and voiceless sound use same initial consonant for the voiced sound had been voiceless ; there was misuse for the initial consonant between the group of zhi and the group of zhao 摘要本文通過研究s . 2055與其他韻書不同反切,認為所反映的可能是當時口語的一些特點:濁音聲母與清音有混用,濁音已經清化了;知組聲母與照組包括二等與三等有相混的現象;東冬鐘歸字混亂,三部不分;支脂之三韻也有交涉;微韻“蘄”存在之韻的又音; “解”字有平聲一讀。

Brain genius - glu mobile products around key to , , dmidp 2 . 0 perfect test run the game did not know why dmidp 2 . 0 operating voiceless , cheating with the version 2 . 1 operating dmidp chinese game description : brain genlus intellectual wunderki 通過完成一系列的任務,你將會去探索一個新的太陽系。這個游戲對于一些很有經驗的玩家來說都是一個考驗。它有著大量的秘密和多種游戲模式

Opponents still argue that those who exercise choice will be the most able and committed , and by clustering themselves together in better schools they will abandon the weak and voiceless to languish in rotten ones 反對者仍然堅持認為那些擇校的人一半能力很強,很執著,通過往好學校扎堆兒,他們把那些處于弱勢地位、沒有代言人的學生留在差等學校慢慢受煎熬。

In she ( a national minority ) dialect of jingning in zhejiang province , the ancient voiced stops and affricates have been steadily and unconditionally changed to unaspirated voiceless consonants and aspirated voiceless consonants 景寧畬話古全濁聲母字今讀塞音、塞擦音的,基本上是比較均衡而無條件地分化為不送氣清音與送氣清音兩類。

Overcome with surprise , nana remained voiceless . “ i suspected it , “ she said at last , slapping her leg . “ i guessed it by merely looking at her on the highroad that day 她終于開口了,一邊拍著大腿, “有一次,我在路上遇見她,一看她那副樣子,我就猜到了。

The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant 雨中的濕土的氣息,就響從渺小的無聲的群眾那里來的一陣巨大的贊美歌聲。

I yell at a decibel machine hysterically , a series of chirps , with unknown tones , till i am voiceless 我對著分貝器歇斯底里的喊嘰里咕嚕不知所云的音調一串一串的喊!一次都喊到我無法發聲為止。

His comment on receiving the prize was that it renewed his dedication to act as a voice for the voiceless 對于自己的獲獎,他評論說它再次激起了自己為失語者疾呼吶喊的熱情和信念。

The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant 雨中濕土的氣息,猶如偉大的贊美詩來自沉默的渺小群眾。

The child was born , was given to me - motionless , breathless , voiceless ; we thought it dead . 孩子生下來了,交給了我,他不會動,不會哭,也不會呼吸,我們以為他死了。 ”

Had she not fallen in george lucas ' good graces , she would have been yet another voiceless extra 如果不是喬治盧卡斯格外開恩,她會成為另一個沒有臺詞的臨時演員。

Voiceless pharyngeal fricative 清喉壁擦音

The old castle was dark and voiceless 這座古堡是黑暗和寂靜無聲的。

So as the resonance exists , voiceless one is also fair - sounding 只要有共鳴無聲亦動聽