
viz viz(.)= 〔拉丁語〕 videlicet. ★ v...

Hko s team had three “ no . 1s “ , viz 綜觀全場,以天文臺的啦啦隊陣容最為大。


Algorithms concerning phase difference measurement , viz , the zero passage method and the relevant function method are brought forward 摘要針對相位差檢測的過零法和相關分析法,闡述了算法的檢測原理,討論了影響相位差檢測精度和快速性的因素。

As a physicist he had learned that of the 70 years of complete human life at least 2 7ths , viz . , 20 years passed in sleep 作為一個物理學家,他得以知道一個人七十年的整個生涯,至少有七分之二,也就是二十年,是在睡眠中度過的。

She reminded the public that three more philatelic products issued by hongkong post will be released in the remaining two days of the expo , viz 蔡梁婉薇女士更提醒市民,香港郵政將于馀下2天的郵票博覽會發行3款郵品,包括:

To learn a foreign language well and to eventually master a foreign language , one needs to have 3 vital elements , viz , interest , talent and hardwork 想學好一門外語,乃至精通一門外語,需要3個因素:即,興趣、天分和努力。

The forth chapter focuses on the non - institutional factor , viz . , the impact of culture environment on corporate governance and performance 第四章從非制度因素出發,探討文化環境因素對公司治理及公司績效的作用和意義。

There are three major departmental grades in the department , viz . the health inspector grade , the hawker control officer grade and the foreman grade 本署有三大部門職系,即?生督察職系、小販管理主任職系及管工職系。

The inland revenue ordinance provides for the levying of three separate direct taxes , viz . salaries tax on income from office and employment , 按稅務條例所徵收的直接稅有三種,分別為就得自任何職位及受雇工作入息徵收的

The actuating reliability is regarded as a series system of two elements , viz . the initializing reliability and the motion parameter reliability 本文將此可靠性問題化作兩個事件的串聯:啟動可靠性和運動參數可靠性。

This morning i began to order my times of work , of going out with my gun , time of sleep , and time of diversion , viz 十一月四日早晨,開始計劃時間的安排。規定了工作的時間,帶槍外出的時間,睡眠的時間以及消遣的時間。

The combination of five regulatory authorities in the uk to form a single regulatory body , viz . ofcom , is one notable example see box 3 在英國,五個規管機構合并成為單一的規管機構ofcom就是一個顯著例子見方格3 。

There are three major departmental grades in the department , viz . the health inspector grade , the hawker control officer grade and the foreman grade 本署有三大部門職系,即?生督察職系小販管理主任職系及管工職系。

Furthermore , the centres of four tropical cyclones , viz . maggie , sam , york and cam passed through the territory of hong kong in 1999 此外,今年有4個熱帶氣旋(瑪姬、森姆、約克及錦雯)的中心橫過香港境內。

Finally , an advanced physics isolation system is put forward in this paper , viz . specialized isolated system on data exchange 最后,本文還提出了一種先進的物理隔離系統,即數據信息安全交換軟硬件專用隔離系統。

Does the government know of the respective total financial provisions earmarked for the setting up of the three new hospitals in the new territories , viz 政府是否知悉,撥作開設新界區3間新醫院,即大埔那打

After this communication was at an end , i carry d him and his two men into my apartment , leading them in , just where i came out , viz 談話結束后,我把他和他的兩個伙伴帶到我的住所。我照樣用梯子翻墻而過。

Furthermore , the centres of four tropical cyclones , viz . maggie , sam , york and cam passed through the territory of hong kong in 1999 此外,今年有4個熱帶氣旋瑪姬森姆約克及錦雯的中心橫過香港境內。

This was what i wish d for ; so i took them up , and serv d them as we serve notorious thieves in england , viz 我把打死的鳥從地里拾起來,用英國懲治惡名昭著的竊賊的辦法,把它們用鎖鏈吊起來,以警效尤。

Intensified competition - following mainland s accession to wto , hong kong companies will face competition from two sides , viz 中國加入世貿,香港公司將面對兩方面的挑戰,分別是外國公司及中國企業。