
viviparous adj.1.【動物;動物學】胎生的。2.【植物;植物學】...

5 、 in respect of behavioral ecology , both species can reproduce by way of forming viviparous plantlets . and it is a conversation from heterotrophy to semi - heterotrophy for the process of viviparous plantlets “ formation and morphochoresis 5 、從行為生態學的角度來看,兩種植物均以通過產生胎生苗進行繁殖,胎生苗在發生及形態建成過程中,是從異養向半異養轉變。


Before the formation of leaves , the nutrition for the development of viviparous plantlet is supplied by its parent , which is a kind of typical foraging behavior . but as to parents , it is a kind of parental breeding behavior and altruism . when talking about heredity and fitness , such a kind of altruism is a sort of egoism too 在胎生苗葉片產生以前,它的營養全部由母體提供,屬于全異養階段,這是一種典型的覓源行為;從母體的角度來看,這又屬于一種親代哺育行為與利他行為;而從遺傳與適合度的角度考慮,母體的這種利他行為同時也是一種利己行為。

With the increase of substrate salinity , the accumulated sodium and chloride increased . as a result , all tissues had considerablly lower osmotic potentials than that of the solution on which they were grown at 60 day after planting . changes in length , dry weight , water content , ion concentrations , osomotic potential , ion content of hypocotyls during culture indicated that viviparous hypocotyls not only afforded nutrition for seedling growth , but also reserved ions , thus charged the balance of ion concentration and osmotic potential of the seedling 鹽脅迫下幼苗單株葉面積下降的程度大于光合速率的降低,葉面積的減小是導致減產的主要原因;木欖幼苗各組分中的離子濃度以及含量隨栽培時間而變化;栽培初期剛萌根時,幼苗原胚軸中的離子滲漏到培養液中;此后隨著根系的發育以及芽的生長,幼苗轉為從培養液中吸收離子,并以吸收na 、 cl離子為主。

5 、 in respect of behavioral ecology , both species can reproduce by way of forming viviparous plantlets . and it is a conversation from heterotrophy to semi - heterotrophy for the process of viviparous plantlets “ formation and morphochoresis 5 、從行為生態學的角度來看,兩種植物均以通過產生胎生苗進行繁殖,胎生苗在發生及形態建成過程中,是從異養向半異養轉變。

From lower to higher elevation , the capability for plant to produce ramet increases , the height of ramet decreases , the number of viviparous plantlets produced by genet increases , and the leaf number < wp = 6 > produced by the viviparous plantlets increased 隨著海拔的升高,植株的高度逐漸變矮,母體產生胎生苗的數目增加,胎生苗脫落時產生葉片的數目增加。

The traits showed when the viviparous plantlets abscise and disperse that the dispersing behavior for the viviparous plantlets is adaptable to the special environment 胎生苗在脫落與散布時表現出的特點說明:胎生苗的擴散行為是與其特殊的環境條件相適應的。

This kind of viviparous reproduction allows rapid growth and establishment of mangrove seedlings once they come into contact with the substratum 這種胎生繁殖方法可增加紅樹在潮水漲退和不穩定泥土的環境里之生存機會

Consideration on developing preharvest sprouting resistant rice male sterile line by expressing antisense rna of viviparous 1基因培育水稻抗穗萌雄性不育系的設想

Alate viviparous female 有翅胎生蚜

When the viviparous plantlet abscises , there are 1 - 3 leaflets on it 此外,珍珠虎耳草還可通過無性系分株來進行繁殖。