
virtue n.1.德,品德;德行,善行 (opp. vice ),...


This mrs. d'urberville was a lady of unequaled virtues and charity . 這位德伯夫人是一位道德最高,慈悲無比的太太。

She rapidly assume the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse . 她很快地染上了大都市的惡習而墮落下去。

He believed in the virtues of america, its cheerfulness and newness . 他相信美國的美德,還有它的活潑,它的新異。

He observed that no virtue was able to resist his arts and assiduity . 他說,什么道德都抵制不了他的手段和殷勤。

Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues . 每個人都認為他自己至少有一種主要的品德。

The virtues of the mothers shall, occasionally, be visited on the children . 母親積了德,往往會報在孩子身上。

How many friendships have you known formed upon principles of virtue ? 你知道有多少友誼是按道德原則形成的?

From my childhood upward i have idolized the dreams of virtue . 我從孩兒時代起就一直盲目地崇拜德行的夢想。

Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues . 每個人都覺得自己至少有一種基本美德。

Tessenow decried the metropolis and extolled the peasant virtues . 特森諾夫痛詆大都市,頌揚農民的美德。

He excels in virtue . 他品德高尚。

Being short of money , i made a virtue of necessity and gave up smoking . 我因缺錢,倒也樂得把煙戒了。

He falls from virtue . 他品行墮落。

The old man pays regard to riches, and the youth reverences virtue . 老年人注意財富,年輕人尊重德性。

Set against her virtues , her faults do not seem nearly so bad . 考慮到她的優點,她的缺點還不算太糟。

Some make a virtue out of giving in the sense of a sacrifice . 有的人認為給予是犧牲,因而以此為德行。

The virtues of the invisible hand must be that much discounted . 看不見的手的效能必然要相應地降低。

Honesty is a virtue . 誠實是一種美德。

Public opinion did not regard this as exceptional virtue . 公眾輿論并不認為這是什么了不起的品德。