
virtually adv.實際上,實質上,事實上。


Undp is financed by voluntary contributions from virtually every member of the united nations and its related agencies . 開發計劃署的經費是由聯合國幾乎所有會員國和其有關機構成員國自愿捐獻的。

Europeans met this crisis only by adopting policies that virtually destroyed the system of international exchange . 歐洲人對付這種危機的辦法,只是采取一些最后摧毀了國際匯兌體系的政策。

Some regions, such as the great shield areas of north america and europe, are virtually free of devastating earthquakes . 有些地區,好象北美和歐洲的大地盾區,實際上是沒有破壞性地震的。

At virtually the same moment the crowd of demonstrators in the hotel forecourt had rushed the police line and broken them . 幾乎就在同一時刻,飯店前院里沖擊警察防線的示威者突破了防線。

Virtually every serious commentator agrees that major reform within third world education is long overdue . 事實上,任何認真的評論家都認為第三世界的教育早就應該實行重大的改革了。

The colour of today's new, improved and virtually nondestructible dyes can only be reduced by 50 to 85% . 現代新的,經過改進并且實際上不會被破壞的染料其色度僅能去除5085。

Virtually the only way that a staff guy can be effective is if he's come up through the line . 實際上,要使一個辦事人員能起到有效的作用,最好的辦法是從第一線人員中選撥上來。

To some it is virtually equivalent to data processing and is tied inextricably to computer software . 有一些最終事實上就等于資料處理,并且不可避免地要和計算機的軟件相結合。

The committee appearance is highly important because congressional committees are virtually little legislatures . 出席委員會作證非常重要,因為國會實際上是小型的立法機關。

Therapeutics is considered in virtually all textbooks of medicine, but often superficially . 事實上所有內科學教科書都提到治療說,不過內容通常較為簡淺而已。

Since radioactive iodine decays rapidly, virtually all radiation ceases within a few weeks . 由于放射性碘能迅速破壞,因而實際上幾星期內放射性就全部結束了。

Virtually every major development in 20th-century art is traceable back to the impressionist . 實際上,20世紀藝術的每一個主要的發展都可以追溯到印象派。

They differ somewhat from bathymetric charts which are virtually topographic maps of the ocean floor . 它們與水深圖稍有不同,后者實際上是洋底地形圖。

Japanese employers have a virtually free hand in allocating labor within the enterprise . 日本雇主在企業內部調配勞動力方面有著充分的自由處置權。

These two theories described virtually all physical phenomena that had been studied then . 這兩個理論實質上描述了所有當時已研究過的物理現象。

In the early days of the nation, america's bountiful resources seemed virtually inexhaustible . 美國早期的豐富資源,似乎取之不盡,用之不竭。

It would be virtually the first time they had voluntarily relinquished a client regime . 這在實際上將是他們第一次自愿拱手交出一個附庸政權。

Centrifugals reduce cost to a indeterminate extent by giving a gas virtually free of oil . 離心壓縮機的費用有所降低,因為它的氣體不含油污。

Beith threw himself enthusiastically into the task, but it was virtually impossible . 比思起勁地投入這項工作,但實際上這是不可能辦到的。