
virile adj.1.成年男子的,壯年的,年富力強的;有生殖力的。...

“ capote “ was a ground breaking film that broke tabus , that showed america not all gay people are virile cowboys . sore actually new york intellectuals 主持人約翰?斯圖爾特: “奧斯卡最佳提名影片《卡波特》向美國人民顯示了不是所有的同性戀者都是牛仔,還有些是娘娘腔的紐約知識分子。 ”


And so this was really the prefect situation , making me look virile ( which , male vanity , i enjoy in competition against her husband ) and making her feel wanted ( which she is ; and which , i hope , gives her the self - belief i know her wet fish hubby don ' t , for she has no idea of how fine she is ) 因此這真是一個很好的時機,我看起來非常強壯(這是男人的虛榮,我喜歡跟她老公做比較)和讓她感到想要(她也確實是這樣,并且我想讓她相信她那像死魚的老公不能讓她滿足,也沒法讓她知道她自己有多好) 。

What possibility suggested itself ? the possibility of exercising virile power of fascination in the most immediate future after an expensive repast in a private apartment in the company of an elegant courtesan , of corporal beauty , moderately mercenary , variously instructed , a lady by origin 最近的將來在一位體面的高等妓女富于肉體美對金錢較淡薄有著種種教養原是出身名門的淑女的內室里共進一頓豐盛的飯菜,然后發揮男性魅力的可能性。

Courtyard on canal bank , firm and persistent , tall and straight architectural appearance , inner restraint and quiet architecture temperament , manhood and strong and vigorous virile beauty , forge unparalleled yard villa life experience for dweller 運河岸上的院子,堅毅而挺拔的建筑外形,內斂而沉靜的建筑氣質,雄穩而矯健的陽剛之美,為居者打造獨一無二的院落別墅生活體驗。

In fact , during dinner my wife was telling me how she often thinks backs fifty years to that dashing , handsome and virile young man who pursued her - - - - and wonders what her life would have been like if she had married him instead 吃晚飯時我妻子告訴我她經常想起50年前那個精力充沛、英俊剛健的追求她的年輕人? ?并猜想如果她和那個人結了婚,她的生活會是什么樣子。

Elevation of building is adhered by light epidermis , light epidermis reveal virile and body - building architecture style . caesious facing brick , with considerably tactile material nature , showing architecture ' s extended sense taste 建筑立面由輕表皮附著而成,輕表皮所流露出來的建筑氣質陽剛而健美。青灰色的面磚,以其頗具質感的材質表現建筑外延的感觀感受。

The virile nature of his writing , which attempted to re - create the exact physical sensations he experienced in wartime , big - game hunting , and bullfighting , in fact masked an aesthetic sensibility of great delicacy 他的作品表面上看來雖然充滿陽剛氣息,試圖重現他在戰爭、打獵和斗牛等活動當中的生理感受,實際上卻潛藏著他對美的敏銳知覺。

She was a big woman , in stature almost equalling her husband , and corpulent besides : she showed virile force in the contest - more than once she almost throttled him , athletic as he was 她是大個子女人,腰圓膀粗,身材幾乎與她丈夫不相上下。廝打時顯露出男性的力量,盡管羅切斯特先生有著運動員的體質,但不止一次險些兒被她悶死。

But you couldn t get along without masters of some sort , and there arose a new set of masters - not the great , virile , noble men , but the shrewd and spidery traders and money - lenders 可是沒有某種意義上的主人你們過不下去,于是出現了一批新主人不是那種偉大的精力充沛的高貴的人,而是些蜘蛛一樣的精明的生意人,放債人。

In recent years , the size of grace s works has become larger and larger . her calligraphy has a powerful virile momentum ; only in extremely large works can she fully express the vitality of the characters 陽孜的字,即使是小幅,都有大氣勢,但只有在非常大的畫幅上,才如魚得水,把文字的生命充份表達出來。

He was finding speech , and all the beauty and wonder that had been pent for years behind his inarticulate lips was now pouring forth in a wild and virile flood 他不過是尋找著表達的語言而已。在他那結結巴巴的嘴唇后面關閉了多少年的美與奇跡現在化作了一道狂野道勁的急流滔滔不絕地流瀉著而且。

“ capote “ was a ground breaking film that broke tabus , that showed america not all gay people are virile cowboys . sore actually new york intellectuals 主持人約翰?斯圖爾特: “奧斯卡最佳提名影片《卡波特》向美國人民顯示了不是所有的同性戀者都是牛仔,還有些是娘娘腔的紐約知識分子。 ”

The dimmest of my pollutive dreams was a thousand times more dazzling than all the adultery the most virile writer of genius or the most talented impotent might imagine 我依稀朦朧遭受玷污之夢境也比生命力最旺盛的天才作家或最有天賦的陽萎人所能想象出的苛合之事要璀燦一千倍。

The idea that the sun was looked upon as the power that attracts heavenly bodies is supported by the virile terms like raghupati and aditya used in referring to the sun 這種思想就是把太陽看作吸引天體的力量,由男性力量支持,拉哈帕提和阿迪雅等術語被用作代表太陽。

Linda tanya roberts can t wait to have a baby . but according to their doctor , her husband charlie jeff conaway is not as virile as he appears 蓮達丹雅羅拔絲飾很想有bb ,可惜醫生說她丈夫查理謝夫科納域飾唔夠精壯。

Here are some brides of ten compelled to seat themselves on the fascinum , the virile ivory in the temples of classical scholarship 這幅是幾位十歲的新娘被迫坐在木柴上,那是古代學業宮殿里剛勁象牙的象征。

I cannot but extol the virile potency of the old bucko that could still knock another child out of her 吾不禁嘆服該老漢之生殖力,竟足以令伊再生一胎。 ”

That of a virile , handsome young man for the maturely attractive mother 一個陽剛的英俊的年輕人娶成熟的嫵媚的母親

Well , he ' s strong and virile 他既強壯又有男子氣慨