
violent adj.1.(風、爆炸等)猛烈的,狂暴的。2.(話等)熱...

violent death

Now, i have no violent desire of any of these things; i have a passion for friends . 現在,我對這些均無渴望,卻熱忱地希望結交朋友。

A cold front with a large temperature difference is often marked by violent thundersqualls . 具有很大溫差的冷鋒常常伴隨著巨雷狂風。

The furniture would be smashed up in a week if i were as violent as you . 如果我和你一樣狂熱,家具在一周之內都會被撞得支離破碎的!

Aaron's vitality was too low for a violent reaction to the news about beck . 安倫元氣未復,對有關貝克的事情他無從作出強烈的反應。

Sometimes the buffeting was so violent that the wings were torn off the plane . 有時抖振得如此劇烈,以致于機翼從機體上撕裂下來。

In gerald's strong and violent love, she was living fully and finally . 在杰羅爾德那強烈的愛中,她生活得很充實,找到了依托。

The breath went out of her in a wail, her body shook with violent sobbing . 她慟哭失聲,整個身子都隨著劇烈的抽泣發起抖來。

The later eruptions were less violent and caused no significant damage . 后來的幾次噴發就不太猛烈了,也未造成重大災害。

Society would go down in violent collapse if its abuses were not soon remedied . 社會弊端如不及時糾正,社會就要滅亡。

As the boat came closer to the shore the waves got bigger and more violent . 當船往海岸再靠近時,海浪愈來愈兇猛了。

Philip immediately sat down and wrote a violent letter to his uncle . 菲利浦馬上坐下來給伯伯寫了一封措詞激烈的信。

Thousands of new yorkers have their lives shaken by violent crime . 殘暴的犯罪活動損害了成千上萬紐約人的生活。

These violent men frequently attacked arthur and gave him a good beating . 這些暴徒常常毆打阿瑟,拼命揍他。

The film started to get very violent , at which point i left . 那部電影出現了極殘暴的場面,我立刻就走了。

He seized the floor for a violent denunciation of our tactics . 他搶著發言,對我們的策略進行猛烈的譴責。

He had a violent fit of trembling, and then sank into his chair . 他發了一陣劇烈的顫抖,然后癱在椅子上。

In his own lifetime galileo was the centre of violent controversy . 迦里略在世時是個引起激烈爭論的人物。

So violent was his outbreak that they hesitated to intervene . 他的反抗非常暴烈,他們都不敢插口申辯。

It was here that the only violent incident of the day erupted . 就是在這里發生了這天唯一的暴力行為。