
uvula n.(pl. uvulas, -lae ) 【解剖學】1...


Snoring is a noise produced when an individual breathes ( usually produced when inhaling ) during sleep , which in turn causes vibration of the soft palate and uvula ( that thing that hangs down in the back of the throat ) 打鼾是指人們睡覺呼吸(通常是吸氣)過程中軟腭和小舌(喉嚨處垂下來的那個東西)的震動產生的噪音。

The levetor veli palatini muscle elevates the soft palate , the muscle uvulae bunches the soft palate , and the tensor veli palatini tenses and shortens the palate 顎帆提肌使軟顎上升,懸雍垂肌使軟顎成串,顎帆張肌拉緊也使軟顎縮短。

Snoring is caused when soft tissue in the airways ? the palate or uvula ? relaxes during sleep and vibrates 打鼾是由于氣道? ?上顎或者小舌頭的軟組織在睡眠期間放松并振動而產生的。

Hit ' em in the uvula 打他們的垂下物