
uvea n.【解剖學】眼色素層;眼葡萄膜。


Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma , corectopia , ectropion uvea , peripheral anterior synechiae ( pas ) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris 臨床表徵除了瞳孔偏向,葡萄膜外翻,周邊連黏,青光眼之外還具有特殊的色素性節結在虹彩的表面上。

It is a serious ocular condition specifically affecting one or more of the three parts of the eye that make up the uvea fig 1 : the 葡萄膜是眼球內層組織,共分三個部份圖一,即為

The area around here is the uvea 這個區域叫做葡萄膜