
utter adj.(superl. uttermost)1.完全的...


According to tojo's testimony at his trial, the emperor did not utter a word . 按照東條在受審時的作證,天皇未發一言。

These words were uttered with an indefinable sound which startled the girl . 這些話的口氣有些曖昧,它使姑娘吃了一驚。

She uttered a forced little laugh as she relinquished his hand quickly . 她勉強低聲一笑,一面很快地把他的手撒開了。

She lay on her back, with arms stretched in utter weakness by her sides . 她仰面躺著,兩只手臂完全無力地擺在身旁。

In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine . 大多數情況下他的這類瞎想最終都是虛驚一場。

She went into her room, and sank down in despair and utter misery . 她回到自己屋里,倒在椅子里,絕望傷心到了極點。

He hummed and hawed for quite a while before he uttered a few words of comfort . 他吭哧了好一會才說出幾句安慰話。

He wanted to impress this man with his utter willingness to comply and obey . 他要這個人覺得他的絕對屈服與服從。

Only by the utter destruction of the axis was a decent world possible . 只有徹底摧毀軸心,才能有一合理的世界。

These last words were uttered quietly but in a tone so sardonic . 他說最后一句的時候語氣很鎮靜,可是話中帶刺。

We sympathize with his desire to live his life as well as utter it . 我們諒解他所向往的和他所表達的那種生活。

In the utter sickness of longing and disappointment, she went home . 他懷著渴望又失望的極度苦痛心情回家了。

I know my words can seem to him nothing but utter humbug . 我知道,我說的話在他看來不過是徹頭徹尾的慌言。

None uttered a word . 沒有人則聲。

It's an utter rout, and your broadcasts are criminal lies . 這是一場潰敗,你廣播的新聞都是可恥的謊言。

She uttered an inarticulate exclamation, and stood fixed . 她發出一聲不清晰的叫聲,便站在那里不動了。

Charlotte uttered a scream, and hid her face in her apron . 夏洛特發出一聲尖叫,用圍裙把面孔遮起來。

She had uttered no syllable of reproach and that cut him . 她連半句責備的話也沒說這使他最難堪。

The wife of one of the slaves uttered a piercing scream . 一個奴隸的妻子發出一聲撕人心肺的慘叫。