
utilitarian adj.1.功利的;實利的。2.功利主義的,實利主義的。...


As a new form of contemporary practical art , artistic designing has its utilitarian , aesthetical and ethical values and different states of being 摘要藝術設計作為實用藝術的當代新形式,具有功利的、審美的和倫理的不同價值和境界。

But it expresses a subjective intention of violence , whether motivated by anger or by utilitarian considerations , such as killing for food 但是他表達了暴力的主觀意向,不管它是由憤怒或其他功利考量(例如為了食物而殺生)引起的。

Shang yang ' s farming - centered thought was in the service of his utilitarian political conception centering on the process of “ farming - wealth - power - domination “ 摘要商鞅的農本思想服務于以“農富強王”為軸心的政治功利構想。

So it is hoped that one kind of economic and utilitarian compaction meter can be investigated , and this is also the starting point of the article 因此,希望能夠研究一種經濟、實用的檢測壓實度的儀器,這正是本文研究的出發點。

“ literature for moral instruction ” is a key tenet of confucian utilitarian poetics , in which the idea of “ praise ? and ? criticize ” plays an important part “文以載道”思想是儒家功用詩學的核心,而美刺說則是其重要內容。

Its origin dates back to ancient times , when craftsmen reproduced their signatures , or “ marks “ on their artistic or utilitarian products 商標的起源可追溯到古代,當時工匠們將其簽字或“標記“印制在其藝術品或實用產品上。

Our case studies focus on the development of this third method of analysis , with a foundation in the deontological and utilitarian methods 我們案例研究的重點就是以道義法和效應法為基礎的這第三種分析方法的發展。

Such values are especially important to strengthen us in a world where relationships are often utilitarian and fair weather friends abound 在這個功利主義、人情淡薄的社會中,這些具有凝聚力的價值觀顯得尤其重要。

The experimental result shows stability , liability and compatibility of the system which has reached utilitarian level 實驗結果表明,該系統具有較強的穩定性、可靠性和適應性,已基本達到實用水平。

Due to the characteristics of public security and traffic police network , the general network security auditing system is not utilitarian 由于公安網絡的特殊性,通用的網絡安全審計系統不實用。

The practical and utilitarian purpose of the vocation education at that time was characteristic and successful 其以“實用” 、 “實利”為出發點的職業教育宗旨,頗具特色,并取得了很大的成績。

State the moral issue to be resolved , along with the conclusions from the utilitarian and deontological methods 闡述要解決的倫理問題,以及由效用法和道義法得出的結論。

The economists of his day took their cue from jeremy bentham and his “ utilitarian ” philosophy 他那個時代的經濟學家們承襲了杰里米?邊沁及其實用主義哲學的衣缽。

Breaking from the wrong opinion of utilitarian education amp; amp; constructing the terrace of the humanity education 走出功利教育誤區構建人文教育平臺

This vod system facilitate above works to accomplish . obviously this system is utilitarian 本系統有助于以上各項工作的開展,其實用性十分突出。

And this method is proved utilitarian in getting the real shape of the object quickly 通過實驗驗證,該標定方法可有效地標定出物體的實際高度。

While utilitarian way of thinking is practical in dealing with this problem 功利主義則可以有效克服這一點,是一種貼近現實的死刑考察方法。

For the first time he realized that eating was something more than a utilitarian function 他第一次意識到吃飯原來還不僅具有實利的功能。

Netsuke were originally utilitarian objects designed to serve as pendants or toggles 掛墜初最是一種功利物品專門服務于垂飾或套索釘的。