
uterus n.(pl. -ri ) 【解剖學】子宮。

uti possidetis

Uterus angiography catheter 子宮造影導管

Suggest you go doing b to exceed , look what is there inside the uterus peculiar 建議你去做b超,看看子宮內有什么異樣。

Bpa changes the expression of key deelopmental genes that form the uterus 雙酚a能改變形成子宮的關鍵發育基因的表達。

2 ethacridine lactate injection has an effect of stimulating uterus to contract 依沙吖啶注射液有刺激子宮收縮作用。

The medical study and treatment of the fetus , especially within the uterus 胎兒學尤指對子宮內的胎兒的醫學研究和治療

What is it , a uterus 這畫的是什么,子宮?

Of cervix uteri , 1981 - 2000 的年標準化死亡率

Pathological diagnosis of smooth - muscle tumors of the uterus : a report of 677 cases 蛋白在子宮平滑肌腫瘤的表達及意義

Clinical analysis of 12 surgical incision of endometriosis with scar uterus 手術切口瘢痕子宮內膜異位癥12例臨床分析

She ' s had an abruption . her placenta has separated from her uterus 她已經分娩了.她的胎盤已經從她的子宮分隔開來了

Expression of nuclear factor - b in the mouse uterus during peri - implantation 在小鼠胚泡著床前后子宮表達的初步研究

Transvaginal hysterectomy of uterus without prolapse in obese patients 非脫垂子宮經陰道全切除術在肥胖患者中的應用

Plexus cervicalis uteri venosus 子宮頸靜脈叢

The infection in the lining of the uterus is caused by hormonal changes 子宮內膜的感染是由荷爾蒙的變化引起的。

Replacement of a prolapsed uterus 站立牛的剖腹產術

Study on chromsome of patients with malignant neoplasms of ovary and uterus 卵巢和子宮惡性腫瘤患者染色體研究

H - caldesmon in diagnosis of smooth muscle tumors of the uterus 鈣調蛋白結合蛋白在子宮平滑肌腫瘤診斷中的意義

Next , the embryo is placed into the uterus of a female animal 然后,這個胚胎被放置在一個雌性動物的子宮里。

A pathomorphological analysis of the endometrial stromal tumors of uterus 子宮惡性潛能不能確定的平滑肌腫瘤