
utensil n.器具,用具;家庭廚房用具。 farming uten...


Name : automatic soap lye utensil 產品名稱:自動皂液機

Use separate chopping boards and utensils for cooked and raw products 使用分開的砧板和容器來處理生熟肉。

Your site home product cleaner utensil mop dehydrator 您的位置:首頁產品展示清潔用具拖把自動洗滌脫水器

He made it of a talent of pure gold , and all its utensils 24他用純金一他連得,作燈臺和燈臺的一切器具。

Discard any rusty or broken utensils 棄掉生銹或破爛器皿

Six picces of combined beauty utensils 六件美容組合工具

Iron utensils with a mottled enamel resembling granite 單涂搪瓷器皿表面涂以搪瓷使外觀象花崗巖的鐵制品

Marine application , cooking utensils , car fittings , door furniture 海事用品、煮食器具、汽車配件、家具。

Heaven and man combined into one and the description of utensils in han fu 天人合一思想與漢賦器物描寫

Trim fingernails . use clean kitchen utensil . do not eat by hand 進食時要用清潔的碗筷,切勿用手進食。

Every visitor noticed the fireplace with cooking utensils 每一位來客都注意到了那個配備有炊具的壁爐。

Sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses 共用餐具或水杯

Bedclothes , towels , kitchen utensils and dishes are provided 宿舍提供床上用品、毛巾、廚具和餐具。

Introduce : automatic soap lye utensil 產品介紹:自動皂液機

Test method for thermal shock resistance of porcelain - enameled utensils 搪瓷器具抗熱沖擊性的試驗方法

Take care of the lunch boxes and the utensils after lunch 午膳后,需要自行收拾及清理一切用膳物品。

Do not share towels or eating utensils 不應共用毛巾或食具。

Licence for measuring utensil manufacture 制造計量器具許可證

Utensils finished products of precious metals 貴金屬器皿制品