
usurious adj.高利貸(者)的,高利的;重利盤剝的;掠奪性的。a...


As to her money , she first secreted it in odd corners , wrapped in a rag or an old curl - paper ; but some of these hoards having been discovered by the housemaid , eliza , fearful of one day losing her valued treasure , consented to intrust it to her mother , at a usurious rate of interest - fifty or sixty per cent . 至于所得的錢,起初她用破布或陳舊的卷發紙包好,藏在偏僻的角落里。但后來其中一些秘藏物被女傭所發現,她深怕有一天丟失她值錢的寶藏,同意由她母親托管,收取近乎高利貸的利息百分之五十或六十,一個季度索討一次。

Once a web of mobsters whose most international activity was smuggling cigarettes , the camorra eases uninspected chinese goods into europe and provides loans at usurious rates to the sweatshops that produce many of the elegant garments italy sells abroad “克莫拉”曾是一個犯罪集團,他們最活躍的國際間活動就是走私煙草,而且他們輕易地把未經檢驗的中國商品轉移到歐洲,并掌控著許多血汗工廠? ?為他們提供高利貸,而意大利則把他們生產的一流服飾遠銷國外。

The fact that he insisted on cutting antonio one pound of flesh in the chest , does not proceed from his seeking counterattack or revenge for defending jewish national dignity , but from the hatred of his rival in the usurious business 他執意要割安東尼奧胸前的一磅肉,不是為捍衛猶太民族尊嚴所作的回擊、報復,而是對高利貸生意競爭對手的痛恨。

Snowballing interest of usurious loans created debts which could never be repaid by even succeeding generations and debts involving a guarantor resulted in the bankruptcy of both the debtor and the guarantor 高利貸利滾利,造成永遠還不完的“子孫債”和以借貸人和擔保人全部破產而告終的“連保債” 。

Its approval as non - usurious the payment of a rate of return determined by market conditions , much as we do today 就如我們今天一樣,它把由市場狀況來決定回收率這一個還債方法,核定為不屬于放高利貸。

Every debt he owed in the world , including the pawnshop , with its usurious interest , amounted to less than a hundred dollars 他在世界上欠下的每一筆帳,包括高利貸的當鋪債務,加在一起也不到一百元。

I had to run away from my creditor whom i made a usurious loan 譯文)我借了高利貸不得不四處躲債。

Some questions about ming dynasty ' s usurious interest rate 關于明代高利貸資本利率的幾個問題

Usurious capital of tea industry in mordern china 近代中國茶業中的高利貸金融資本