
usufructuary n.【法律】有用益權者。adj.(有)用益權的。


Land lease right has been taken on the character of property right ' s quality , but it is a kind of creditor ' s rights in nature . there are many differences between usufructuary right and land lease right , so we must prescribe these two kinds of rights in different places to meet the needs of different people 土地租賃權物權化的趨勢似有擴張,但其債權性質不會改變,且具有設立靈活簡便的優勢,與地上權等用益物權有本質上的區別,應建立用益物權和土地租賃權的二元化體系,以滿足不同土地使用權人對土地利用的不同需要。

In the first part , the author researches the concept of usufructuary right and the basic questions on the systematism . in the first place , the author summarizes the meaning and character of usufructuary right , analyses the distinction of creditor ' s rights and property right from the origin of it and points out the quality of usufructuary right in the second place , the author emphasizes the essential request of a systematic usufructuary right . it must have the legible and uniform conception 首先概述了用益物權的內涵及特征,并從其產生途徑上分析了債權和物權的區分,明定了用益物權的物權性質及其在他物權中的地位:其次重點論述了用益物權體系化的基本要求,不僅法律概念要有鮮明的位階性,而且要遵循物權法定主義原則,區分特別法上的物權和民法典中的用益物權;最后闡明了用益物權體系化的價值。

At last , the value of the systematism is to be clarified in the second part , the author reveals the origin and the development of usufructuary right from the angle of contrast law . by describing the course of the usufructuary right in civil law countries , the author draws four conclusions . firstly , we should construct the system of usufructuary right on the focus of using property but not owning property 運用歷史分析的方法,先后描述了羅馬法上用益物權的源起及在大陸法系各個國家的繼承,最后得出有益于我國用益物權體系構建的幾個啟示:一是我國應該以物的利用為中心構建用益物權體系;二是用益物權體系的設計應該從我國現實出發,具有中國特色;三是采用功能構造法,對用益物權體系進布戲j分;四是設立一個具有開放性趨勢的用益物權體系。

As the hypogyny concept of usufructuary right , every right must have the control power , excluding power and the character of limitation and derivation . the management right of state - owned enterprise is the ownership in essence , so it is unsuitable to be prescribed in property law . some kinds of property rights are not included in the scope the usufructuary right , because they are only the manner of acquiring properties and usually regulated by the public law 特別法上的物權從其內涵上來看,屬于準物權的范疇,是取得物權的一種方式,盡管它們具有物權的部分特征,甚至具有一定的私法性質,但其更多地體現了公法所進行的管理及約束,倘若將其放入用益物權體系,必然造成體系上的不合理及繁瑣。

In the draft of property law and civil law , there are many different opinions on how to form the system and structure of usufructuary right . starting from this base point , the author analyses the basic requirement of the system of usufructuary right , points out the status quo and the limitation of it , sums up the basic systematic values of the usufructuary right 筆者正是以此為基點,以實現物盡其用的價值目標為核心,分析了體系化理論對我國用益物權體系的基本要求,從宏觀上透視了我國現行用益物權體系的現狀及癥結,歸納了用益物權體系化的基本價值及研究用益物權體系的必要性。

I am looking forward to teachers “ crucia l instruction . in order to construct the system of our country ' s usufructuary right , we must consider that the ownership of land belongs to the state , and the center of property law has been changed from proprietary to usufruct . this system can not only solve the conflict of possession and use of ground , but also provide guarantee on people who use others “ property 筆者認為,我國用益物權體系的構建必須充分考慮我國公有制土地所有權的現狀,適應物權法從以“所有”為中心向以“利用”為中心的轉化,充分重視用益物權在物權法中的重要地位,建立一個適合我國國情的有中國特色的用益物權體系。

Predial servitude , a traditional usufructuary right , comes from roman law and is now widely accepted by countries of continental law system . servitude play an important role in the development of roman . however , chinese present civil law has no relating provision concerning the predial servitude . now the law relating to rights over things is on the way . many people pay attention to establishing the predial servitude system . this paper just want to make some advice to the draft of real right law from view of the development of the prediral servitude . the whole paper consists of four parts : paragraph one gives an introduction to the definition and characteristics of the predial servitude 大陸法系大多數國家都先后繼承了地役權這一種古老的用益物權制度。以羅馬農牧業經濟為基礎建立的地役權制度在社會經濟的巨大變遷中也不斷演化,以適應社會經濟發展的要求。雖然我國現行法律中卻沒有地役權的相關規定,但是即將出臺的物權法卻設專章對地役權制度進行規定,如何更好的設計地役權制度,引起眾多人的關注。

Secondly , the system of usufructuary right in china should have the feature of itself . thirdly , we should divide the system of usufructuary right according to function of those . lastly , the trend of the system of usufructuary right should be open widely 構成我國用益物權體系的權利類型必須能夠與民法典的體系結構相協調,這些典型的用益物權包括地上權、農用權、地役權、典權和居住權。

In our country , the integrated usufructuary right system should include five rights : superficies , using right for rural land , servitude , inhabitancy right and hock right 完整的用益物權體系應當包括土地上的用益物權(地上權、農用權、地役權)和建筑物上的用益物權(居住權和典權) 。

Usufructuary right nature of right to lease houses 論房屋租賃權的用益物權性質