
usual adj.通常的,常有的,常見的;平常的,普通的;平時的,...


He came earlier than usual . 他比平時來得早。

He drank more than usual to keep up the glow . 他的酒比往常喝得更多了,他想以此來保持激情。

I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry . 我沒有一般女人們要結婚的那種動機。

Everything proceeds as usual . 一切照常進行。

Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual . 漢弗萊同往常一樣衣著整齊,鎮定自若。

They are dishing up the usual arguments in a new form . 他們將老調子改頭換面,又端出來了。

Bench blasting is the most usual type of blasting work . 梯段爆破是最常用的爆破工程之一。

Ah q would be pissed off as usual , and glare furiously . 阿Q照例地發了怒,他怒目而視了。

He arrived earlier than usual . 他到得比往常早。

Mrs. pert and miss newton hang on as usual . 貝特太太和牛頓小姐還是象往常那樣賴著不走。

He said all the usual things . 他講的全是老一套。

It is usual with the french . 這在法國人是普通的。

Its usual blessing are happiness and mediocrity . 這種性情通常給人的幸福是快樂和平庸。

He seemed to think it was the usual average nonsense . 好象他認為那是平庸的陳詞濫調。

Its solution consists as usual of a complementary function . 其解照常由一余函數組成。

To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice . 掛羊頭賣狗肉是他們的慣技。

The usual counter-ions are sodium, potassium and ammonium . 反離子通常是鈉,鉀和銨。

It was his usual aspect, and a truculent one . 這是他慣常的模樣,是一種好斗的表情。

Catenary has been the more usual . 懸鏈狀態較為普遍。