
usmc USMC = United States Marine ...


Two marines , usmc , united states marine corps , 2 marines and they were getting a little tummy by this time and a little creaking in their limbs but they were still in the service , still wore their dress uniforms and the 2 of them had charge of the usmc cemetery 兩名美國海軍陸戰隊成員,肚子感到有點不適,他們的手腳在振動,但他們仍然要當值,他們仍穿著那制服,他們二人要負責,照顧來掃墓的人。看著那大卡拉迪奇來到,他們已預備到前門去迎接。

And she headed down the walk and stopped at a couple of stones before she found the ones she wanted and then she placed a bunch of flowers on larry weiserman , that s her name , usmc 1968 剛才我們相處得不大好,她走下去,停在其中一些墓前,最后她找到要走的墓碑,接著她把花放在拉利韋斯曼處,拉利死于一九六八年。

Then she went up the row a way and laid another bunch on a stone , and on it , it said , stanley j . weiserman , that was her name . usmc 1944 她繼續走著,到了另一個墓碑前,寫著史丹利韋斯曼,是她的姓,史丹利死于一九四四年。

And then near it , the last cluster of flowers on a stone that said , darryl weiserman usmc 1970 最后一束花放在達爾韋斯曼處,達爾死于一九七零年。

She put more flowers on the stone . the name was steven x . davidson , usmc 1943 她把更多的花放在其上,名字是史提芬大衛遜,一九四三年卒。

But i read later the name on the marble was donald s . davidson , usmc france , 1918 但我看見石上的名字是當奴大衛遜,一九一八年卒。

Significantly more relevance to usmc tactics and procedures 添加了更多更符合美國海軍陸戰隊的戰術和程序。