
usenet n.【計算機】 Usenet 網〔因特網上美國多家興趣專...


Covers many related topics : eda tools , vhdl , verilog ; fabrication ; fpgas , asics , microprocessors , semiconductors , cmos . usenet comp . arch - -提供企業級類比式與數位式kvm切換器序列操作臺控制遠端存取以及集中伺服器管理解決方案領先全球的供應廠商。

Contains descriptions and personal commentary of religions , cults , sects , denominations , the occult , freemasonry , and the new age . usenet soc . religion - -包括教會簡介教會的基本綱領的資料經文和出版物的網上版關于紀念日的資料和有關的論壇

Source code has long appeared on bulletin boards and in certain usenet newsgroups where else could you download the latest version of 源代碼已經出現在電子公告牌上和某些usenet新聞組中很長時間了(在1986年,您還能在其他什么地方下載最新版的

It brings email list , publishers and advertisers together . its collection includes the bitnet , internet , the discussion cluster of usenet Chicage style又稱turabian style或humanities style 。為人文社會領域常用之資料引用格式。

Itsc also maintains a few usenet news servers and exchanges thousands of usenet newsgroups with many isps in hong kong and overseas 我們亦有管理數個usenet新聞伺服器并與國際間多個互聯網供應商( isp )交換數以千計的新聞群組。

News , feature articles , reviews , obituaries , and other items from the monthly magazine for the physics community . rss . usenet sci . physics - -包括有關的試題科普性的有關成果和生活上應用物理的文章和課件的理論與下載

A network of independent websites dedicated to the support of the burgeoning genre known as alternate reality gaming . usenet alt . games - - pc單機游戲資訊介紹攻略下載,網絡游戲介紹,游戲動漫,游戲交流論壇。

Usenet , born back in 1979 , is the distributed application that provides most of the world with its newsgroups my favorites are Usenet產生于1979年,是一種分布式系統,能夠為各個地方提供新聞組(筆者最喜歡的是

Specializing in workshops on planning a trip to europe for a first - time traveler and travel safety . usenet rec . travel . europe - -可根據要求提供德國各行業專業對口的公務商務考察團或旅游團。

Its earliest incarnation was the work of two graduate students named tom truscott and jim ellis Usenet最早的雛形由是兩名研究生tom truscott和jim ellis實現的。

Look on the usenet newsgroups and mailing lists dedicated to perl for ideas and critiques 查看專用于perl的usenet新聞組和郵件列表以獲取一些看法和批評。

Ask fishing related questions , get tips , photos and related links . usenet rec . outdoors . fishing - -馬來西亞釣魚愛好者交流論壇,含新聞圖片海潮圖等。

Patches , enhancements , and upgrades for windows , macintosh , amiga , and linux . usenet alt . games - -游戲門戶網站,包括新聞,攻略,圖片,下載,評論雜談等。

Because it filled a need , it quickly grew and , like usenet , it remains in use today 這種符合人們需要的技術,迅速成長起來,并一直沿用到今天。

Fidonet , like usenet , is a decentralized , distributed application for exchanging messages 它和usenet類似,也是一個分散、分布的信息交換系統。

List of 20 links to skating sites . usenet rec . sport . skating . misc - -含輪滑入門教程,輪滑技術,觀賞輪滑影像,維護輪滑裝備,輪滑論壇交流討論。

Collection of brain teasers , logic puzzles , paradoxes and mathematical riddles . usenet rec . puzzles - -提供拼圖,填字,數獨, fc模擬器等休閑游戲

Daily news and full coverage of current issues . rss . usenet alt . news - media - -新聞聚合平臺,提供各中文門戶網站主要新聞欄目的分類鏈接

Toe , ranks , command structure , and orbat information . usenet sci . military . moderated - -含鐵道軍新聞歷史鐵道學院簡介以及軍事論壇