
ureter n.【解剖學】輸尿管。-al, -ic adj.


Methods from april 1990 to aug . 2006 , about over 1 500 kidney transplantations were performed and 8 patients were diagnosed as renal tumors by b - ultrasound , ivu , cystoscopy , and ct etc , including 1 case of renal pelvis tumor , 3 cases of ureter tumor and 3 cases of cyst tumor , and 1 case of penis tumor 方法8例患者在腎移植術后3 - 16年出現間歇性血尿,通過b超、靜脈尿路造影( ivu ) 、膀胱鏡、輸尿管鏡、逆行腎盂造影、 ct及內窺鏡下取材活檢等,證實1例為腎盂腫瘤, 3例為輸尿管腫瘤, 3例為膀胱腫瘤, 1例為尿道腫瘤。

Vesicoureteric reflux ( vur ) , a major cause of recurrent urinary tract infections causing renal damage in children , often requires antireflux surgery by reimplantation of the refluxing ureter . this constitutes one of the commonest paediatric urological operation performed in north america over the past few decades 例如引起兒童患者反復尿路感染,甚至導致腎臟功能損傷的主要疾病:膀胱輸尿管反流病( vur ) ,很多都需要進行抗反流的輸尿管再植手術,這亦是過去數十年北美地區最普遍的小兒泌尿外科手術之一。

Left focus 9 cases , right 3 cases , combined with ureter stone 4 cases , bladder calculus 2 cases , kidnery stone 1 case ) confirmed as ureteral polyp in low segment by cystoscopy / or ureteralscopy , operations and pathologyical examination 左側9例,右側3例,合并輸尿管結石4例,膀胱結石2例,腎結石1例,息肉自輸尿管口部分脫入膀胱4例,隨輸尿管噴尿節律性脫入膀胱2例)的患者超聲及臨床資料進行回顧分析。

If this process were bilateral , then the problem would originate in the bladder trigone or urethra ( or the prostate around the urethra ) or some process ( such as a large neoplasm ) that could impinge on both ureters 如果病變是雙側的,原因可能是膀胱三角或尿道前列腺部的病變;或是其它能侵犯兩側輸尿管的病變(如大的腫瘤塊) 。

We report on a 52 - year - old man who was incidentally found to have ectopic prostatic tissue in the left lower ureter during intrauretral lithotripsy for a left lower ureteral stone with hydronephrosis 摘要一位52歲的病人因為左側遠端輸尿管結石合并腎水腫接受輸尿管內碎石術時偶然發現在左側遠端輸尿管有異位性攝護腺組織。

A nephroureterectomy specimen showing bulbous expansion of proximal ureter near the renal pelis caused by papillary urothelial carcinoma . ( photo : courtesy of dr . gary bokinsky , irginia urology center , richmond , a ) 腎輸尿管切除標本,可見輸尿管近端靠近腎盂部位呈球狀擴張,這起因于輸尿管乳頭狀移行細胞癌。

Imaging findings of retroperitoneal fibrosis were shown , including diffuse plaque or mass , involvement of retroperitoneal organs , most acompanied by hydronephrosis and dilatation of the ureters 影像學表現為腹膜后彌漫性斑塊或腫塊及腹膜后臟器的受累,多伴有腎盂積水和輸尿管擴張。

The likelihood is chronic appendicitis or ureter stone , diagnose needs further examination , suggest you go to normal hospital seeing a doctor as early as possible . skoal ! ! 可能是慢性闌尾炎或輸尿管結石,確診需要進一步檢查,建議您盡早去正規醫院就診。祝您健康! ! !

We report a motor vehicle accident with seat belt transection of ureter and laceration of kidney in a 26 - year - old female who was sitting in the back seat of a car 我們報告一位26歲女性,在車禍中她坐在后座并系上安全帶,但卻造成了輸尿管斷裂,肝臟及腎臟撕裂傷。

Removing the lipid in the pelvic and around the bladder and mobilizing the ureters are the methods of choice , although alternative ones are indicated in certain cases 手術徹底清除異常增多的脂肪是理想的治療方法,但根據不同的患者及病情,可采用不同的方法。

Among them , the acute appendicitis , ureter stone , gallstone and cholecystitis , extra - uterine pregnancy were the most common 結果超聲診斷總符合率為87 . 5 % ( 119 / 136 ) ,其中以急性闌尾炎、輸尿管結石、膽系結石并膽囊炎、宮外孕破裂最為常見。

Conservative treatment for this condition is recommended except for frank rupture of the renal pelvis or ureter and formation of a perirenal abscess 外科醫師唯有對此病有所認知,才能早期診斷與治療并減少不必要的剖腹探查術。

A low - power scan of glass slide from another case demonstrating non - inasie papillary urothelial carcinoma filling up the lumen of the ureter 另一例非浸潤性乳頭狀移行細胞癌,低倍鏡下見腫瘤充滿輸尿管管腔。

The dilated ectopic ureters draining the bilateral hydronephrotic upper renal segments issued into vaginal vestibule and caused urinary incontinence 其中百分之二十四可發現有兩側輸尿管重復現象。

This detailed life - size model features the kidney , adrenal gland , renal and adrenal vessels and upper portion of the ureter 顯示腎的形態和結構:腎,腎上腺,腎管和腎上腺管,輸尿管的上部等。

This intravenous pyelogram ( ivp ) of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis , ureter , and bladder 靜脈腎盂造影顯示正常泌尿道,可見腎盂、輸尿管和膀胱。

Intravenous urography is one of the best modality to diagnose the blind - ending bifid ureter 在診斷盲枝輸尿管裂的檢查方法之中,靜脈注射泌尿道攝影是所有最好的檢查法當中的其中一種。

Reimplantation of the ectopic ureters with antireflux procedure was per formed and the incontinence was cured 本文報告唯一兩側輸尿管完全重初并兩側膀胱外異位輸尿管的病例。

A case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ipisilateral ureter is reported 本文報導一同時存在于腎盂及同側中段輸尿管之原發性鱗狀上皮細胞癌的病例。